Evaluate production targets in food and drink operations
This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed for you toevaluate production targets in food and drink operations and the associated supply chain.
This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in evaluation of production targets in food operations.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. access the organisational procedures relating to the evaluation of production targets
2. confirm which specific production data is to be measured and evaluated
3. confirm the timeframe over which the production data should be collated
4. communicate to relevant colleagues your role in the evaluation of production targets
5. source production data
6. collate data to organisational requirements
7. liaise with colleagues to gain a good understanding of challenges affecting production targets
8. evaluate data and information against organisational production targets
9. communicate specific feedback relating to the evaluation of production targets to relevant colleagues
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. the regulatory and organisational requirements relating to the evaluation of production targets
2. the organisational methods of communication including information technology and how to use them
3. why it is important to communicate to relevant colleagues your role in the evaluation of production targets
4. how to access the organisational procedures relating to the evaluation of production targets
5. why it is important to adhere to organisational procedures when sourcing, collating and evaluating production targets
6. which specific organisational production targets are used to assess productivity and how to access them
7. the organisational requirements for the collation of data and information relating to production targets
8. how to source data and information relating to production targets
9. why it is important to gain an understanding of challenges affecting production targets and how to do this
10. how to use data and information to evaluate production targets
11. why it is important to communicate evaluation findings to colleagues and how to do this