Co-ordinate the recruitment and activities of temporary workers in a food and drink business

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Resource Development
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to coordinate the recruitment and activities of temporary workers in a food and drink business. The use of temporary and agency workers in the food and drink industry is widespread and important in allowing flexible production levels and reflecting the often seasonal nature of food and drink production. You will need the skills and knowledge to develop a recruitment plan and adhere to the regulatory and organisational requirements relating to the use of temporary workers. You will also need the skills and knowledge to monitor the use of temporary workers and review their use in the future in the food and drink business. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in co-ordinating the recruitment and activities of temporary workers in a food and drink business.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare to recruit temporary workers

  1. identify and agree the need for temporary workers

  2. develop a recruitment plan to meet the needs of the food and

    drink business

  3. discuss and determine the skills, knowledge, understanding,

    experience and eligibility required of the temporary workers

  4. agree procedures for the selection, placement, training and

    management of temporary workers

    Recruit temporary workers

  5. contribute to the recruitment of temporary workers

  6. check the registration of temporary workers adheres to regulatory

    and food and drink business requirements

  7. carry out induction and training of temporary workers to food and

    drink business requirements

  8. communicate with temporary workers, ensuring the objectives of

    the role are clearly understood and address any issues raised

    Review and monitor the use of temporary workers

  9. liaise with relevant people to monitor the current use of temporary

    workers within the food and drink business

  10. review the future needs of the business with respect to the use of

    temporary workers

  11. address problems arising from the use of temporary workers in a

    food and drink business

  12. evaluate the processes by which temporary workers are recruited

    and managed and feed back to relevant people

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the regulatory and organisational requirements relating to the

    recruitment and use of temporary workers in a food and drink


    1. the employment rights of temporary workers and your

    organisation's obligations in meeting them

    1. how to evaluate the need for temporary workers in a food and

    drink business

    1. how to develop a recruitment plan for the use of temporary


    1. why it is important to determine the skills, knowledge,

    understanding, experience and eligibility of temporary workers

    1. the organisational procedures to be adhered to when carrying out

    the selection, registration, induction, placement, training and

    management of temporary workers

    1. the challenges and benefits of using contract agencies to supply

    temporary workers

    1. methods of communication and information technology available

    within your food and drink business and how to make best use of


    1. how to monitor the use of temporary workers and their impact on

    quality, compliance and productivity in the food and drink


    1. how to review the future needs of the business with respect to the

    use of temporary workers

    1. the organisational procedures for providing and receiving

    feedback and how to do this

    1. why it is important to evaluate the recruitment and management of

    temporary workers and how to do this


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impmr307s, impmr308k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Co ordinate; Recruit; Temporary workers