Identify staff resource needs in a food and drink business

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Resource Development
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to identify staff resource needs in a food and drink business. Identifying current availability and future needs for staffing resources is important to the future success of an organisation, ensuring the availability of knowledge and expertise and the day to day operation of a food and drink business. Managing and planning staffing levels and abilities is key to the highly technical and often labour intensive food and drink industry. You will need the skills and knowledge to gather and evaluate relevant information and communicate the findings to relevant people. You must have the skills and knowledge to identify current availability and future needs for staffing resources. You must also have the skills and knowledge to liaise with colleagues to aid the identification process. You will need to know and understand the regulatory and organisational requirements surrounding the day to day management of people at work. You will need to know and understand the principles of performance management and the identification of training and development needs. You will also need to know and understand your role in initiating and addressing issues including absenteeism, sickness, grievance and disciplinary procedures. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in identifying staff resource needs in a food and drink business.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Gather relevant information

  1. identify internal and external sources of information available in

    your organisation to help identify current staff resources and

    future needs

  2. liaise with colleagues to identify the factors affecting staff

    resources within your food and drink business

  3. collate data confirming the current availability of resources and

    abilities amongst the workforce

  4. identify the food and drink businesses current and future

    requirements for staff resources

    Identify need for staffing resources

  5. consult with colleagues within your organisation to confirm the

    gaps between current staff resources and future needs

  6. identify areas in the food and drink business where current staff

    levels and capability are inadequate

  7. identify areas in the food and drink business where future staff

    levels and capability will need improvement

  8. communicate the collated and evaluated information to the

    relevant people

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the regulations and organisational requirements to be adhered to

    when carrying out workforce planning

    1. the trends and drivers affecting staff resources in the food and

    drink business and how to identify them

    1. the sources of information, internal and external to your

    organisation, available to identify staff availability and how to

    access them

    1. how to use data and information to identify the food and drink

    business current and future staff requirements

    1. the methods for identifying gaps between current availability and

    future staff needs and how to use them

    1. the methods of communication and information technology

    available in your organisation and how to make best use of them

    1. why it is important to liaise with colleagues to identify current and

    future staff needs and how to do this

    1. how the strategy, objectives and operational needs of a food and

    drink business helps determine the requirements for staffing

    1. the methodologies and techniques used in the identification of

    staffing resources and abilities in a food and drink business

    1. how to manage the workforce gap and why it is important to do so

    2. how trends in the industry and your food and drink business can

    affect workforce planning including technology, seasonality, cost

    cutting, turnover of staff, promotion and an increase in demand for


    1. how information detailing individuals skills, competencies,

    knowledge, education and previous work history and age can be

    used to aid workforce planning

    1. the information used to aid managing and planning of staffing

    resources including CVs, skills, knowledge, competencies, gender

    and age and how it can affect workforce planning

    1. the use of information technology systems to store and manage

    staffing resources and abilities

    1. what affect mergers, acquisitions, extension of the supply chain

    and strategic partnerships has on staffing resources in a food and

    drink business

    1. the advantages and disadvantages of recruitment and the use of

    current or temporary staff

    1. the key difference between strategic resourcing and operational

    resourcing of staffing

    1. the financial implications of implementing different types of

    staffing resources including full-time, part-time, shift work and the

    use of temporary workers

    1. the regulatory and organisational requirements to be aware of

    when managing full-time, part-time and temporary workers

    1. how to check the people in your area of responsibility are not

    discriminated against in-line with regulations and organisational


    1. the consequence of failure to check people in your area of

    responsibility are not discriminated against

    1. the organisational requirements for the management of leave,

    illness and absenteeism

    1. the organisational procedures to be followed when addressing


    1. what the organisational procedures are for initiating and following

    disciplinary procedures

    1. why counselling and compassion are key words when managing

    people and the appropriateness of their usage

    1. what the organisational procedures for performance review are

    and how to carry this out

    1. why it is important to support training and development needs of

    the individual and the food and drink business

    1. how to address conflict between individuals or groups within your

    area of responsibility and across the food and drink business

    1. how to address requests for flexible working, maternity/paternity



Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impmr301s, impmr302k, impmr303k, impmr304k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Identify; Staff resources