Assess production and operational costs in a food and drink business

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Resource Development
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed to assess production and operational costs in a food and drink business. New products, changes to existing products, new technology and the availability of ingredients, materials and resources can all have an impact on the operational costs in a food and drink business. Calculating these costs is essential in ensuring profit margins are maintained and the food and drink business achieves financial success. You will need the skills and knowledge to determine the optimum method of achieving the operational objective and total costs for the product or service. This standard also covers assessing the direct and indirect requirements for resources and materials and calculating the total costs to the food and drink business. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in assessing production and operational costs in a food and drink business.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Determine operational requirements

  1. confirm the objective and specification of the operational


  2. determine a method for achieving the required operational


  3. identify innovative alternatives to achieving the objective when

    problems arise

  4. liaise with colleagues to confirm the preferred method of achieving

    the operational objective

  5. check the availability of direct and indirect resources and their

    capacity to achieve the required objective to the required


    Assess operational requirements

  6. determine the specific requirements for materials and resources

  7. consult information sources to establish and confirm current and

    future availability of materials and resources to check continuity

  8. adhere to organisational procedures for the sourcing of materials

    and resources if new materials or resources need to be procured

  9. adhere to organisational procedures for the sourcing of quotations

    for the procurement of materials and resources

  10. liaise with colleagues to determine the most suitable material or

    resource accounting for cost, quality, availability and other factors

    important to your food business

    Establish costs

  11. calculate the direct cost of carrying out the operational objective to

    the required specification

  12. determine and calculate any indirect costs relating to the material

    or production process

  13. report costs to relevant people in the food business

  14. provide support and feedback to those responsible for evaluation

    and management of costs

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. why it is important to confirm the objective and specification for

    the production requirements and how to do this

    1. how to develop the best operational method of achieving the

    required objective and specification

    1. the importance of adhering to specification requirements and how

    to do this

    1. why it is important to build in some contingency planning when

    you are determining operational requirements and calculating


    1. the methods of communication and information technology

    available in your organisation and how to make best use of them

    1. how to determine the specific direct and indirect costs applicable

    to an operational objective

    1. how to determine the specific requirements for materials and


    1. the sources of information available on availability and

    specification of materials and resources

    1. the organisational procedures for the sourcing and procuring of

    materials and resources, how to adhere to them and why it is

    important to do so

    1. the factors to be considered when determining the suitability of a

    material or resource

    1. how to calculate the total cost of carrying out an operational

    objective to a specification

    1. the areas of the food business operational costs should be

    supplied to and how to do this


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impmr104s, impmr105k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Business; Finance; Calculate; Operational cost; Production cost