Check food safety management procedures for minced meat, meat preparations and meat product establishments

Business Sectors (Suites): Meat and Poultry Processing
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to check food safety management procedures (FSMP) for minced meat, meat preparations and meat product establishments. Checking FSMP is important to the production of a final product that meets organisational and regulatory food safety requirements. You will need to be able to check FSMP for incoming raw materials, processing operations, buildings and buildings maintenance. You must also be able to check identification and marking of minced meat and meat preparations. This standard is for you if you work in food manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in the checking of FSMP for minced meat, meat preparation and meat product establishments.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Check procedures for control of raw materials

  1. check documentation relating to control of raw materials is in

    accordance with Food Business Operators (FBO's) Food Safety

    Management Procedures (FSMP)

  2. identify non-compliance

  3. address non-compliance within the limits of your responsibility

    Check procedures for processing operations

  4. check FBO's FSMP to current regulatory and organisational


  5. check the following areas are covered in the FBO's FSMP

    • transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy

    • materials entering and product leaving the establishment

    • temperature controls

    • processing of materials

    • wrapping, packing and labelling

    • identification, separation, storage and disposal of animal byproducts and food waste

    • product (suspect) sampling

  6. confirm compliance with current micro-biological testing


  7. carry out sampling to organisational requirements

  8. identify and take appropriate action to deal with any noncompliance, including emergencies

    Check buildings, maintenance and hygiene

  9. inspect buildings and equipment

  10. inspect the maintenance of buildings and equipment

  11. check hygiene standards of the establishment and operations in

    accordance with the FBO's FSMP against current requirements

  12. identify areas of non-compliance

  13. address any non-compliance within the limits of your responsibility

    Check identification procedures

  14. check identification marking materials are being used in

    compliance with the regulations

  15. identify and take action to deal with any non-compliance

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the importance of food safety management procedures (FSMP) to

    the production of minced meat, meat preparations and meat

    product establishments

    1. why document control is important to FSMP

    2. the current organisational and regulatory requirements relating to

    FSMP document control of raw materials

    1. the FSMP relating to the reception, storage and processing of


    1. the organisational and regulatory requirements of FSMP for the

    following areas

    • transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy

    • materials entering and product leaving the establishment

    • temperature controls

    • processing of materials

    • wrapping, packing and labelling

    • identification, separation, storage and disposal of animal byproducts and food waste

    • product (suspect) sampling

    1. the importance of microbiological testing to checking FSMP for

    minced meat, meat preparations and meat product organisations

    1. the regulatory and organisational requirements for microbiological


    1. the FSMP requirements relating to the structure, maintenance and

    hygiene of an organisation

    1. the hygiene requirements for organisations and its procedures

    2. how to identify and mark products according to organisational and

    regulatory requirements

    1. the actions required in the event of non-compliance

    2. reporting and actions needed to verify Food Safety Management

    Procedures (FSMP)

    1. the appropriate actions to be taken by the FBO when noncompliance in the FSMP against current requirements is identified

    2. how verification judgements are concluded in accordance with


    1. the reporting and action to be taken by the authorised officer in

    the case of non-compliance

    1. the organisational responsibilities under Transmissible

    Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) legislation


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impmp331s, impmp332k, impmp333k

Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Meat; Food; Safety; Fsmp; Minced; Raw