Check food safety management procedures (poultry cutting plants)
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to check food safety management procedures (FSMP) in poultry cutting plants. Checking FSMP in poultry cutting plants is important to the production of a final product that meets organisational and regulatory requirements. This standard applies to those who are involved in monitoring of FSMP in poultry cutting plants. You will need to be able to: • Verify the business Food Safety Management Procedures • Detect and deal with issues of non-compliance under organisational Food Safety Management Procedures • Check in support of Official Veterinary audit This standard is for you if you work in food manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in checking food safety management procedures in poultry cutting plants.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Check hygiene, reception, storage, cutting and packing of
poultry meat
check that the reception of carcasses and poultry meat into
cutting and packing plants is carried out in a hygienic manner
according to organisational FSMP requirements
check that the pre-boning inspection of meat entering cutting
premises and final product compliance of meat leaving cutting
premises is carried out
check that the room and product temperatures are in accordance
with organisational FSMP
check that wrapping and packaging of poultry carcasses, poultry
meat and poultry meat products conform to the standards of
organisational FSMP
check that the handling, removal and storage of edible offal and
by-products is carried out according to organisational FSMP
identify any non-compliance and take the appropriate action
Check the maintenance and management of hygiene of the
monitor and check structural aspects, equipment, products and
staff in accordance with food safety
Ensure identification marking is carried out
check that correct identification marking materials are being used
appropriately as determined by regulations
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the temperature control requirements of organisational FSMP
- the food safety requirements for the reception of carcasses and
poultry meat into cutting plants
- methods of checking carcasses prior to boning and methods of
checking final product for bone splinters and blood clots
- the possible contaminants and factors affecting food safety that
relate to the cutting processing and packaging of poultry meat and
the standards of cleanliness required in poultry and cutting plants
the defined procedures for the wearing of protective clothing for
specific operations in plants and their conformance with current
legislative requirements
- organisational FSMP for the sterilisation of knives and knife
- the action to be taken following contamination of carcasses and
cuts of poultry meat
- problems involving the fabric of premises which might cause
product contamination
signs of ineffective pest control in premises
the procedures and requirements involved in the maintenance of
adequate separation of "clean" and "dirty" sides of the premises
- organisational FSMP for the handling, storage and despatch of
waste materials for poultry plants
- the standards of hygiene required by current regulations and the
action to be taken when deficiencies are encountered
- the protective measures necessary to protect the product from
foreign body contamination in poultry plants
identification marking requirements
what constitutes non-compliance under the terms of
organisational FSMP
- the appropriate action to be taken when non-compliance against
the organisational FSMP