Check slaughterhouse food safety management procedures (poultry)

Business Sectors (Suites): Meat and Poultry Processing
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 01 Jan 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to check slaughterhouse food safety management procedures (FSMP) in poultry. Checking slaughterhouse FSMP is important to the maintenance of poultry welfare and the production of a final product that meets organisational and regulatory requirements. This standard applies to activities specific to the checking of FSMP in poultry slaughterhouses. You must be able to: • Check the slaughter, dressing and evisceration of poultry to ensure that food safety standards are being maintained • Detect deficiencies in dressing standards and carcass food safety • Check the post-mortem handling of carcasses • Check the handling of edible and inedible offal • Check the maintenance of hygiene standards This standard is for you if you work in food manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in checking slaughterhouse food safety management procedures (poultry).

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Check slaughter and dressing practices

  1. check that food safety conditions are maintained at the slaughter

    and bleeding points and procedures are followed in accordance

    with organisational requirements

  2. check that scalding tanks are maintained in the appropriate

    manner to meet the requirements of organisational FSMP

  3. check that plucking (wet or dry) is completed before any skinning

    or cutting takes place and that plucking operations are carried out

    in accordance with the requirements of organisational FSMP

  4. check that dressing and evisceration operations are carried out to

    the standards required by current regulations and that there is

    proper correlation of offal and carcasses when presented for


  5. check that offal harvesting, carcass finishing and washing of

    poultry is carried out in a manner that conforms to organisational


  6. detect and take appropriate action when there are any

    deficiencies in dressing standards, carcass hygiene and any

    instances of non-compliance

    Check post inspection handling and ensure identification

    marking is carried out

  7. check that carcasses and offal of poultry are chilled in accordance

    with the current regulations and specified procedures after the

    slaughter and dressing process are completed

  8. check that handling, removal and storage of edible offal and byproducts are carried out according to current regulations

  9. check that correct identification marking materials are being used

    appropriately as required by regulations

  10. identify any non-compliance and take the appropriate action within

    limits of your responsibility

    Check the maintenance and management of hygiene of


  11. check that staff involved in processing operations are wearing the

    appropriate protective clothing and that the sterilisation of knives

    and similar equipment is being carried out in accordance with

    regulatory requirements

  12. monitor and check structural aspects, equipment, products and

    staff in accordance with organisational and regulatory


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the use of correct identification marks

    1. food safety management procedures relating to:

    • the design and maintenance of premises and equipment

    • pre-operational, operational and post-operational hygiene

    • operative personal hygiene

    • training in hygiene and in work procedures

    • pest control

    • water quality

    • temperature control

    • controls on food entering and leaving the establishment and

    any accompanying documentation

    1. what constitutes non-compliance and/or offences in accordance

    with organisational FSMP

    1. the appropriate action to be taken when non-compliance against

    organisational procedures are identified

    1. production flow relating to:

    • de-feathering wet and dry

    • evisceration

    • chilling / temperature control

    1. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and its

    importance to food safety

    1. the role of HACCP based food safety management procedures in

    meat or poultry production and inspection

    1. the organisational and regulatory requirements relating to HACCP

    based procedures

    1. the importance of hazard analysis and how it is carried out

    2. the importance of critical control points and critical limits and how

    they are identified

    1. why critical control points are monitored

    2. the importance of taking action when critical limits are exceeded

    3. justify why HACCP based procedures should be validated and


    1. how HACCP based food safety management procedures (FSMP)

    are applied in the production of meat or poultry

    1. explain the importance of pre-requisites

    2. identify common hazards, critical control points and critical limits

    3. describe appropriate monitoring procedures and corrective


    1. outline methods for validating and verifying HACCP based


    1. summarise the documentation and records required for HACCP

    based procedures

    1. the audit requirements for HACCP based food safety

    managements procedures in meat operations

    1. explain the requirements for audit of HACCP based procedures

    2. describe the roles of the authorised officers in the audit process


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

01 Jan 2024





Originating Organisation


Original URN

impmp318s, impmp319k

Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Poultry; Food; Safety; Fsmp; Welfare; Slaughter; Carcass