Carry out post-mortem inspection activities (red meat)

Business Sectors (Suites): Meat and Poultry Processing
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 01 Jan 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to carry out post-mortem inspection activities in red meat. Carrying out postmortem inspection activities in red meat is important to the production of a final product that meets customer requirements, organisational and regulatory requirements. This standard applies specifically to work activities in relation to the provision of assistance to the Official Veterinarian. You will need to be able to: • Be properly equipped and attired to carry out the inspections • Carry out inspections of the carcass and offal of each designated red meat species • Follow the procedures for detention, partial rejection and total rejection of carcasses and offal • Make a range of judgements with regard to specific conditions and carry out any further designated action relevant to the species of animal involved • Record and report reasons for rejections • Carry out health marking according to specified procedures This standard is for you if you work in food manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in carrying out post-mortem inspection activities (red meat).

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare to carry out post mortem inspections

  1. wear and use personal protective equipment required when

    carrying out pre-slaughter inspection activities in accordance with

    regulatory standards and organisational requirements

  2. check availability and cleanliness of equipment and work area

  3. access regulatory and organisational specifications and standard

    operating procedures

    Carry out post-mortem inspections

  4. recognise normal and abnormal red meat, determine the

    significance of public and animal health, animal welfare, and

    recognise the limitations of post mortem inspections

  5. carry out inspection of edible and inedible offal in accordance with

    the regulatory and organisational requirements

  6. carry out inspection of carcasses in accordance with the

    regulatory and organisational requirements

  7. follow regulatory and organisational procedures for detention, the

    partial rejection and the total rejection of offal and carcass meat

  8. make judgements with regard to specific conditions and follow the

    detailed instructions contained in current regulations

  9. collect and communicate inspection results to relevant people

  10. collect samples and information pertaining to notifiable diseases

  11. carry out a check for the effective removal of specified risk


    Carry out health marking

  12. check that the meat to which the health mark is being applied is

    eligible to be marked in the manner intended

  13. apply the health mark in a manner that ensures it is clearly legible

    and complies with regulatory requirements

  14. check the health mark stamp issued is retained in your

    possession at all times during the period of issue and handled in

    accordance with security procedures

  15. identify any non-compliance with organisational food safety

    management procedures

  16. take appropriate action to address non-compliance and work

    within the limits of your responsibility

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. why it is important to wear and use personal protective equipment

    required when carrying out pre-slaughter inspection activities

    1. the required form of presentation of carcasses and offal for


    1. the method of inspection as required by regulations

    2. the significance of public, animal health and animal welfare, and

    the limitations of post mortem inspections

    1. the basic principles of diseases including zoonotic and notifiable


    1. the basic outline of anatomy, physiology and pathology in red


    1. the procedures for detention, partial rejection and total rejection of

    carcasses and offal

    1. the judgements with regard to specific conditions and the detailed

    procedures applicable to specific conditions

    1. the importance, purpose and the method of carrying out the final

    check for the effective removal of specified risk material

    1. the importance of, reasons for, and the method of reporting and

    recording the reasons for rejection of carcass red meat and offal

    1. carry out health marking in accordance with the regulatory and

    organisational requirements

    1. what constitutes non-compliance under the terms of regulations

    2. the appropriate action to be taken when non-compliance is



Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

01 Jan 2024





Originating Organisation


Original URN

impmp307s, impmp308k

Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Meat; Post mortem; Inspection; Carcass; Offal