Carry out pre-slaughter inspection activities (red meat)
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to carry out pre-slaughter inspection activities in red meat. Carrying out preslaughter inspection activities is important to the maintenance of red meat species welfare and the production of a final product that meets organisational and regulatory requirements. This standard applies specifically to work activities in relation to the provision of assistance to the Official Veterinarian. You will need to be able to: • Be properly equipped and attired to carry out the inspections • Carry out inspections of the carcass and offals of each designated red meat species • Follow the procedures for detention, partial rejection and total rejection of carcasses and offal • Make a range of judgements with regard to specific conditions and carry out any further designated action relevant red meat species involved • Record and report reasons for rejections This standard is for you if you work in food manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in carrying out pre-slaughter inspection activities (red meat).
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Prepare to carry out post-mortem health inspections
wear and use personal protective equipment required when
carrying out pre-slaughter inspection activities in accordance with
regulatory standards and organisational requirements
check availability and cleanliness of equipment and work area
access regulatory and organisational specifications and standard
operating procedures
Undertake inspections
recognise normal and abnormal red meat species and take
appropriate action in accordance with organisational requirements
carry out inspections of uneviscerated red meat species in
accordance with regulatory and organisational requirements
carry out inspections of carcasses, cavity inspections and viscera
and other specified by-products according to organisational and
regulatory requirements
check that the carcasses of red meat and offal unfit for human
consumption are rejected and removed appropriately from the
edible processing operation
collect and initiate communication of inspection results to the
relevant people
make judgements on the fitness or unfitness for human
consumption of the carcasses and offal of the red meat presented
for inspection
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the correct personal protective equipment and the equipment and
facilities to carry out the appropriate inspections
- the required form of presentation for carcasses and offal for
the method of inspection as required by the relevant regulation/s
what is abnormal red meat and its significance
the basic principles of red meat species diseases including
zoonotic and notifiable diseases
- the procedures for detention, partial rejection and total rejection of
carcasses and offal
- the importance of, the purpose of and the method of reporting and
recording the reasons for rejections of carcass meat and offal