Carry out rodding and clipping of meat carcasses
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to carry out rodding and clipping of cattle, sheep and goat carcasses in food manufacture and/or supply operations. Rodding and clipping is also known as sealing the alimentary canal and weasand sealing. It is important in ensuring the production of a hygienically clean carcass. Sealing the oesophagus prevents contamination of the carcass with gut contents. You will need to be able to prepare equipment and work area needed to carry out rodding and sealing operations. You also need to be able to work to organisational and regulatory requirements, work within the limits of your responsibility and refer problems to the relevant people. This standard is for you if you work in food manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in carrying out rodding and clipping of meat in food production.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Prepare to carry out rodding and clipping
prepare to carry out rodding and clipping in accordance with
organisational standards
wear and use personal protective equipment in accordance with
regulatory standards and organisational requirements
check the availability and cleanliness work area, tools equipment
and sealing clips or bands
make sure the carcass is in the most effective position for rodding
and clipping
place yourself in the most effective place and position for rodding
and clipping
Carry out rodding and clipping
use equipment to carry out rodding adhering to organisational
standards, operating procedures and specifications
maintain pace of rodding according to organisational production
clip oesophagus ensuring oesophagus is sealed
work within the limits of your responsibility
check carcass is available for next stage of process
store waste for disposal according to regulatory and
organisational standard procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
why it is important to follow organisational and regulatory
operating procedures when carrying out rodding and clipping
- the work area tools, equipment and disposables needed to carry
out rodding and clipping
- why it is important to check the cleanliness of work area, tools and
- how to avoid contamination and maintain food safety during
rodding and clipping operations
how to handle the meat carcass to maintain its quality
why precision clipping is important to rodding and clipping
why it is important to maintain the flow of production to
organisational requirements
- why it is important to adhere to organisational yield and quality
how to store waste products for disposal
how ineffective rodding and clipping can lead to wastage,
potential customer complaints and lost revenue
- how to deal with operating problems within the limits of your