Carry out bulk handling grain and flour in milling

Business Sectors (Suites): Milling and Cereals
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to carry out bulk handling of grain and flour in milling. Industry regulations and standards in food and drink operations need to be followed when preparing and carrying out bulk filling and closing down plant and equipment. You will need the skills and knowledge to carry out bulk storage and understand the importance of flour blending. It is also about grain and flour pests and their effective control. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and you are involved in bulk handling grain and flour in milling.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. check that the work area is well organised, clean and tidy in

    accordance with company procedures

    1. receive and confirm bulk filling specification

    2. confirm that services and filling equipment are available and

    complies with relevant regulations

    1. identify the container/silo to be filled and confirm that it is available

    and complies with relevant regulations

    1. check that the delivery weight/volume corresponds with space

    available in the container

    1. check that equipment is in correct working order

    2. check that necessary documentation is completed

    3. carry out bulk filling to specification

    4. monitor to check that output rates are in line with specification

    5. monitor containers/silo and deal with any which do not meet


    1. achieve the required output to specification

    2. finish bulk filling according to specification

    3. close down the plant and equipment in accordance with company


    1. deal with any operational loss or gain in accordance with

    company procedures

    1. deal with any loss or spillage in accordance with company


    1. prepare and carry out bulk filling in accordance with health and

    safety, hygiene and environmental standards or instructions

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. what the advantages and disadvantages of bulk storage systems


    1. the factors which influence the choice of bins and bin design

    2. how bin discharge of grain using FIFO, Chinaman's Hat and

    conical hoppers

    1. how bin discharge of flour occurs in fluidised, mechanical and

    vibrating dischargers

    1. what the function of central or individual bin exhaust systems are

    2. the hygiene and safety implications of bulk bins, cleaning and

    explosion relief

    1. how bran, pellets, wheat germ and wheatfeed should be stored

    2. the problems of wheat storage; husbandry of wheat storage,

    damp/dry grain heating, heating damage, heat detection and

    control of damp/dry grain heating

    1. what the process of flour blending is, and why it is important to the

    milling process

    1. the functions of flour blending systems including batch

    blending/mixing and on-line blending/mixing plant

    1. the components of a flour blending system including weighers,

    mixers and homogenisers,

    1. what the types of vehicles used to transport flour and by-products

    are, and how they are loaded and unloaded

    1. what the range of primary and secondary insect pests are which

    can contaminate stored wheat and flour

    1. the main bird and rodent pests which can contaminate stored

    wheat and flour

    1. what the different insect infestation control procedures are, how

    and when control methods are used

    1. how bird and rodent pests are controlled

    2. what different structural and spacial treatments there are


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impsd205 (skills), impmc123k

Relevant Occupations

Elementary Goods Storage Occupations, Elementary Process Plant Occupations, Food Preparation Trades, Manufacturing Technologies

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Milling; Bulk; Grain; Flour; Hygiene; Safety; Health; Contaminate; Blending; Wheat; Weighers; Mixers