Carry out sensory assessments in food and drink environments

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Technology
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2020


This standard is about controlling the sensory assessment of food and drink. It covers what you need to be able to do in order to prepare for and carry out sensory tests in a food environment.

This standard is for you if your role requires you to oversee the sensory testing of food and drink products.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare for the sensory assessment of food and drink

  1. prepare for testing in accordance with operating instructions
  2. identify the product to be assessed
  3. determine methods for assessing the product in accordance with organisational requirements
  4. identify participants to take part in the assessment
  5. screen participants to take part in the assessment
  6. prepare prompts for participants according to organisational protocol
  7. communicate with colleagues and participants in accordance with organisational requirements
  8. prepare response forms or cards based on the type of assessment method
    Carry out the sensory assessment of food and drink

9. carrying out testing using organisational protocol
10. brief participants on the sensory tests to be completed
11. prepare products ready for assessment
12. prepare response forms or cards/data recording systems based on the type of assessment method
13. provide participants with all necessary prompts and instructions
14. answer questions posed by participants within reason
15. guide participants to follow the provided instructions
16. record responses and other related data according to organisational protocol

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the criteria for panel members and why it is important to recruit a diverse range of participants
  2. the difference between the sensory tests used by the organisation for assessing products and when it is appropriate to use them
  3. the type of data to be collected for each assessment
  4. the importance of objectivity in sensory assessment
  5. how to guide panel members through the process of creating a flavour profile
  6. the stages of taste, smell and texture when food is being consumed
  7. how to record the collected information and data for future analyses
  8. the importance of communicating and listening when undertaking sensory assessment
  9. who to report to and the limits of your own authority when assessment does not comply with requirements
  10. the standard operation procedures and quality arrangements for controlling assessments
  11. when to handover or share assessment information and data


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Sensory; Assessment; Trial