Control shellfish depuration production

Business Sectors (Suites): Fish and Shellfish Processing
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge required to control shellfish depuration. It details the skills required to set-up, operate and control a shellfish depuration process. It is also about working to product specifications and production schedules.

You must know and understand how to manage the depuration process.

This standard is for you if you are involved in the processing of fish and shellfish and control the depuration of shellfish.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. control shellfish depuration production in accordance with organisational standards
  2. obtain tools and equipment required to support planned operations, including hygiene and personal protective equipment
  3. organise the resources required to complete planned depuration
  4. monitor and maintain depuration activities to achieve the required environmental conditions and legal food safety requirements
  5. collect management information to demonstrate performance of depuration facilities, and to manage all critical control points
  6. check the health status of purified shellfish is maintained during storage
  7. confirm potential or actual variations from planned purification are investigated, and action is taken to minimise disruption of the depuration process
  8. organise the dispatch of shellfish in accordance with legal requirements
  9. complete records in accordance with organisational requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. what the organisational standards are and what may happen if they are not followed
  2. the environmental conditions required to support purification
  3. legal food safety requirements including personal hygiene, HACCP and the controls associated with dispatch centres for shellfish
  4. the principles of depuration as a process of purifying shellfish
  5. the production capabilities and characteristics of the depuration system in operation
  6. HACCP and its application as a system for managing food safety
  7. shellfish welfare requirements and how these are maintained during depuration
  8. the storage and handling requirements of purified shellfish
  9. shellfish and seawater classifications and their associated purification requirements
  10. the resources required to support the depuration process including people, equipment, power and storage
  11. how to monitor and maintain shellfish in depuration
  12. labelling requirements associated with shellfish dispatch
  13. what recording, reporting and communication is needed, how to carry this out and the reasons why it is important to do so
  14. the limits of your own authority and competence and why it is important to work within those limits


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Manufacturing Technologies, Plant and Machine Operatives, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Fish, Shellfish, Seawater, Health, Safety, Hygiene.