Comply with statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements in food and drink operations
This standard identifies statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements within food and drink operations and how to comply with them in accordance with organisational and industry approved procedures. You will be required to comply with all relevant regulations that apply to your area of work as well as your general responsibilities as defined in the Health and Safety at Work Act. You must also be able to identify the relevant qualified first aiders or appointed person, and know the location of the first aid facilities.
You will have an understanding of the procedures to be adopted in the case of accidents involving injury and in situations where there are dangerous occurrences or hazardous malfunctions of equipment, processes or machinery. You will also need to be fully conversant with the organisation's procedures for fire alerts and the evacuation of premises. Food and drink operations is a term used in this standard to cover the following sub sectors of Meat, Drinks, Confectionery, Fresh Produce, Bakery, Seafood and Dairy.
You will be required to identify the hazards and risks that are associated with your job. Typically, these will focus on your working environment, the tools and equipment that you use, materials and substances that you use, working practices that do not follow laid down procedures, and manual lifting and carrying techniques.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant food and drink regulations, directives and guidelines
- present yourself in the workplace suitably prepared for the activities to be undertaken
- follow organisational accident and emergency procedures
- recognise and control hazards in the workplace in accordance with organisational procedures
- use manual lifting and carrying techniques in accordance with organisational procedures
- follow safe working practices and procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the roles and responsibilities of yourself and others under the relevant statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements
- the specific regulations and safe working practices and procedures that apply to your food safety work activities including hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)
- the importance of reporting all safety issues immediately and stopping work until the process/area is made safe
- how to comply with a permit to work system
- the warning signs for the nine main groups of hazardous substances defined by statutory regulations – explosive, flammable, oxidising, gases under pressure, corrosive, toxic, hazardous to the environment, health hazard and serious health hazards
- how to locate relevant health and safety information for your tasks and the sources of expert assistance when help is needed
- the environmental procedures that you are required to work to and why it is important that you do so
- what constitutes a hazard in the workplace (including moving parts of machinery, electricity, slippery and uneven surfaces, dust and fumes, handling and transporting, contaminants and irritants, material ejection, fire, working at height, environment, pressure/stored energy systems, volatile or toxic materials, unshielded processes)
- what your responsibilities are for dealing with hazards and reducing risks in the workplace (including hazard spotting and safety inspections; the use of hazard check lists, carrying out risk assessments, threat assessment (TACCP), vulnerability assessment (VACCP), control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) assessments and safe systems of working)
- how to follow food and drink related operational and maintenance requirements
- the risks associated with your working environment, the tools, materials and equipment that you use, spillages of oil and chemicals, location of hazardous materials, not reporting accidental breakages of tools or equipment and not following laid down working practices and procedures
- what first aid facilities exist within your work area and within the organisation in general and the procedures to be followed in the case of accidents involving injury
- what constitutes dangerous occurrences and hazardous malfunctions, and why these must be reported even when no one was injured
- the procedures for sounding the emergency alarms, evacuation procedures and escape routes to be used and the need to report your presence at the appropriate assembly point
- what the organisational policy is with regard to firefighting procedures, the common causes of fire and what you can do to help prevent them
- what protective clothing and equipment is available for your areas of activity
- how to lift and carry loads safely, and the manual and mechanical aids available
- how to prepare and maintain safe working areas, standards and procedures to ensure good housekeeping
- the importance of safe storage of tools, equipment, materials and products
- the extent of your own authority and to whom you should report in the event of problems that you cannot resolve