Batch produce specialist non-fermented dough products

Business Sectors (Suites): Craft Bakery
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2023


This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed to batch produce specialist non-fermented dough products typically in craft or artisan bakery operations. Specialist non-fermented dough products include pastry and other dough-based products which require complex and specific processing skills. Examples of these products may include; Specialist patisserie or continental pastry products, Specialist Viennese and biscuit products, Choux based products.

You need to show and understand how you select and measure ingredients and mix relevant doughs for specialist non-fermented products. You will need to portion, mould and shape doughs and process these through to the baked and finished product. You need to understand how to apply advanced craft techniques and materials. Complying with organisational requirements and the high quality standards expected of specialist products are essential features of this standard.

This standard is for you if you work in the batch production of the types of products defined by the term specialist non-fermented dough products. This is typically a specialist, advanced craft or artisan bakery role.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. check the recipe instructions and specifications are correct for mixing needs
2. check that weighed and measured ingredients are in the correct condition for use and make adjustments in accordance with specification
3. isolate and report any substandard ingredients, and source replacement supplies in accordance with procedures
4. check the safe availability of the mixing area and mixing equipment in accordance with health and safety and food safety procedures
5. select the correct mixing equipment to meet mixing needs
6. mix ingredients in accordance with recipe instructions and specifications
7. check the quality of dough against specification and make any necessary dough consistency adjustments
8. place dough in the correct condition and location, and label where required, for further processing
9. portion and process dough in accordance with specification
10. apply cutting, folding, crimping, shaping, laminating and assembling techniques to specification
11. use the correct tray-up and racking procedures
12. wash and dress dough surfaces to meet specification
13. minimise waste and deal with scrap material in accordance with procedures
14. bake dough to specification
15. cool and apply any specified post-bake finishing to baked products to specification
16. carry out cleaning, and maintenance of equipment in accordance with Food Safety requirements and procedures
17. store the completed product in accordance with food safety procedures
18. provide advice on the appropriate wrapping, packing and transportation arrangements for products

19. comply with organisational requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. common factors affecting quality of ingredients during processing
2. the importance of handling and preparing ingredients at the optimum temperature and conditions for effective specialist and advanced craft processing
3. how to avoid and report contamination of ingredients and non-fermented doughs during processing and what might happen if this is not done
4. what the lines and methods of effective communication are and why it is important to use them
5. what the documentation requirements are and why it is important to meet them
6. how to interpret specialist non-fermented dough product specifications or recipes to calculate or adjust the ratio of ingredients required, and ensure these meet production needs
7. the importance of working within time constraints required by production schedules
8. how to maintain and manipulate the consistency of specialist non-fermented doughs to specification, in response to ingredient or environmental changes
9. the importance of using the correct techniques and applied skills to produce specialist non-fermented dough products
10. the range of processing techniques and skills which can be applied to specialist non-fermented dough processing
11. how to apply non-fermented dough processing techniques and skills for specialist products


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Food Production Operatives, Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives

SOC Code



Dough; Batch; Produce; Specialist; Products; Craft; Bakery; Baker;