Provide governance for your food and drink business

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Strategic Leadership
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to provide governance for your food and drink business. Providing governance is important in ensuring the food and drink business conforms to a legal format. It is important in influencing the strategy, policies, vision and culture of a food and drink business. It is also important in ensuring the strategy and policies are deployed across the food and drink business adhering to social, ethical and regulatory procedures. Governance is essential to the formation and operation of a food and drink business. It is the overarching area, governing body or board, of an organisation that ensures it is operating to regulatory requirements with transparency and accountability. It also provides input into the direction and strategic operation of the food and drink business and ensures it adheres to ethical and social responsibilities. You must have the skills and understanding to make informed decisions around the viability of the food and drink business, establish roles and systems to ensure provision of governance. You must also have the skills and understanding to ensure the food and drink business operates within regulatory requirements. You will need to know and understand the regulatory requirements, requirements and responsibilities of the governing body. You must also know and understand the limits of authority and possible risks associated with the operation of a food and drink business. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink operations and/or supply operations and are involved in providing governance for a food and drink business.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Support roles and systems

  1. confirm the behaviours and values of the governing body and all

    people working in the food and drink business are in line with

    organisational policies

  2. adhere to the clearly defined roles of the governing body, the role

    of the business executive leader and other board members

  3. follow the systems and procedures to ensure the food and drink

    business is directed and managed with transparency, adhering to

    regulatory requirements

    Make informed decisions

  4. make informed decisions with transparency and accountability to

    ensure the success and continued viability of the food and drink


  5. engage with relevant people to agree and determine the food and

    drink business's strategy, policy and structure

    Ensure implementation and compliance

  6. delegate authority to the relevant people within the food and drink

    business to implement strategy, policy and structure through

    organisational plans, systems and procedures

  7. confirm compliance with the regulatory and organisational

    requirements of the food and drink business

  8. agree finance and resources for the implementation of the food

    and drink business's objectives and plans

  9. monitor and review the performance of the food and drink

    business in line with objectives and use to contribute to the annual


  10. contribute to decision making around the continued viability of a

    food and drink business

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. what the regulatory requirements relating to the operation of a

    food and drink business are and the governing body's

    responsibility in ensuring adherence to them

    1. the legal, regulatory, organisational, systems and procedures

    relating to the operation of a food and drink business governing


    1. why it is important to provide governance that is transparent and

    accountable and how to do this

    1. why it is important to define the responsibilities of the chair of the

    governing body and the Chief Executive Officer of the food and

    drink business

    1. what the requirements of the governing body are to strategy,

    culture, policy and planning development, their implementation in

    a food and drink business and how to carry this out

    1. what the requirements and responsibilities of the governing body

    are with respect to setting objectives and plans for a food and

    drink business and why it is important to know and implement

    limits of authority

    1. why it is important to ensure the food and drink business has

    sufficient resources to carry out the organisational objectives and

    how to do this

    1. how to support development and change within a food and drink

    business and why it is important to do so

    1. the importance of informed decision making and the

    consequences if informed decision making does not take place

    1. how to liaise with people within the food and drink business and

    stakeholders to input into decision making and why it is important

    to do so

    1. how to delegate authority when providing governance for a food

    and drink business

    1. how to monitor and review the performance of the food and drink

    business in line with objectives

    1. the importance of producing an annual report and how to do this

    2. the regulatory requirements of those providing governance to a

    food and drink business and the processes and systems required

    to provide governance to a food and drink business

    1. the remit of the governing body and the limits of its authority

    2. the regulatory requirements relating to the operation of a business

    and those specifically relating to the operation of a food and drink


    1. the different options available for the legal format of a food and

    drink business including sole trader, partnership, limited company

    or not for profit community interest companies and industrial and

    providence societies

    1. the advantages and disadvantages of each legal format and how

    it affects the operation of a food and drink business

    1. how the legal format can affect the tax position of the food and

    drink business

    1. the social and ethical responsibilities of the governing body of a

    food and drink business

    1. the specific liabilities that lie with the governing body of a food and

    drink business including health and safety, insurance, public

    liability, fire regulations, copyright and patent and others who this

    liability ultimately lies with

    1. why adherence to compliance with regulations, codes of practice

    and organisational requirements is essential to the success of a

    food and drink business and why it is important for the governing

    body to recognise and understand this

    1. the importance of informed input into decision making around

    strategy and policy development in a food and drink business

    1. the financial risks associated with the operation of a food and

    drink business and the implications to those providing governance

    if the food and drink business were to fail


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impbp301s, impbp302k, impbp303k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Business; Governance