Support decision-making in a food and drink business
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to support decision-making in a food and drink business. Decision making is important to organisational and day-to-day problemsolving around all areas of the food and drink business including sales and marketing, recruitment and production. It is also important in the formation of long term objectives and goals around strategy, policy and planning. You will need the skills and understanding to source information and contribute to the decision-making process via discussions, meetings or other methods of communication. You will also need the skills and knowledge to record the decisions and communicate them to relevant people. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink operations and/or supply operations and are involved in supporting decision-making in a food and drink business.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Source information
identify internal and external data and information sources which
may aid the decision making process
source organisational and regulatory procedures relating to the
area requiring discussion and decisions
review the data and information relating to the area requiring
discussion and decisions
Support decision making
confirm the relevant systems, procedures, methods of
communication and information technology are available to all
those involved in the decision making process
provide informed advice during the decision making process
communicate your thoughts and ideas via discussions, meetings
or other methods of communication to relevant people
confirm decisions conform to organisational ethical and social
confirm decisions conform to organisational and regulatory
compliance quality, production or other activities within the food
and drink business
Report decisions
record decisions according to organisational requirements
communicate decisions to the relevant people
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the importance of informed decision-making and how to access
and review the relevant information and data
- how to access the food and drink business strategy, policy and
plans and the importance of these documents to organisational
decision making
- how to handle information and data of a sensitive nature and why
it is important to do so
- what the methods of communication and information technology
are, to aid decision making in the food and drink business
- how to encourage an open, honest debate from all relevant areas
of the food and drink business
- how to recognise, acknowledge and use input into decision
making, from all relevant areas of the food and drink business
- the organisational and regulatory requirements affecting a food
and drink business
- the organisational, social and ethical responsibilities of your food
and drink business
- what the different organisational methods of recording and
communicating information and data are, to help support decisionmaking
- the food and drink business requirements for conduct during
decision-making discussions and meetings
how to input into decision-making discussions
why it is important to gather input from relevant people and areas
of the food and drink business and how to do this
- how to record and communicate final decisions to relevant people