Secure commitment to a strategy or policy in a food and drink business
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to secure commitment to a strategy or policy in a food and drink business. Securing commitment is a vital business starting point when deploying a strategy or policy. It is essential in obtaining resources, ensuring objectives, procedures and implementation arrangements can be finalised and agreed across an organisation. It is also important in ensuring strategy and policy are carried through to definite outcomes. You will need the skills and knowledge to produce a plan for securing commitment to a strategy or policy, communicate the plan to relevant people, ensure the plan is implemented, address problems and provide feedback on securing commitment to the strategy or policy. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink operations and/or supply operations and are involved in securing commitment to a strategy or policy in a food and drink business.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Produce a plan for securing commitment to a strategy or
review the objectives and requirements of the strategy or policy
draft and agree plans for securing commitment to the strategy or
policy with the relevant colleagues and stakeholders
discuss and confirm the key objectives and scope of the strategy
or policy and the available resources with relevant colleagues and
any key stakeholders
confirm the final plans with relevant people
Secure commitment to a strategy or policy
brief relevant people on your plans to secure commitment and
clarify their roles and responsibilities
implement your plan for securing commitment, selecting and
applying a range of directive tools and techniques appropriate to
the needs for negotiating, influencing and persuading relevant
communicate progress to relevant people, any key stakeholders
and any others on a regular basis
identify in the light of progress any required changes to your plan
for securing commitment and obtain agreement from the relevant
people where necessary
achieve your plans for securing commitment
confirm satisfactory completion of the plans to secure commitment
with the relevant people and any key stakeholders
Evaluate the success of securing commitment to a strategy
or policy
obtain and provide feedback on securing commitment to the
strategy or policy
evaluate the impact of your activities to secure commitment,
identifying what lessons can be learned and recognising the
contributions of any colleagues
seek feedback on the value of your contribution securing
commitment to a strategy or policy
provide feedback on your contribution to securing commitment to
a strategy or policy to the relevant person
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
how to access your food and drink business strategy or policy,
and why it is important to do this
- what the rationale for the strategy or policy is and why it is
important to know this
- what the organisational systems are for identifying and making
contact with the relevant people and stakeholders who need to
commit to a strategy or policy
- how to devise and agree plans for securing commitment to a
strategy or policy
- how to assess and manage the risks and benefits associated with
securing commitment to a strategy or policy
- what the implications for organisational change are when securing
commitment to a strategy or policy
- why it is important to include contingency planning and how to do
- what skills are required to secure commitment to the strategy
including: negotiating, influencing, persuading and agreeing and
how to apply these skills at the appropriate level
- the barriers to securing commitment to a strategy or policy and
techniques used to address these barriers
- stakeholder and line management expectations and how they
influence the commitment process
- how to make changes to plans and carry out corrective direction
as circumstances dictate and the associated management of
priorities and rationale for colleagues
- the food and drink business communication channels used to
inform relevant people, both formal and informal
- how to evaluate the success and impact of securing commitment
to a food and drink business strategy or policy
- how to provide and receive feedback on securing commitment to
the process including your own contribution