Deploy a strategy or policy in a food and drink business

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Strategic Leadership
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 01 Jan 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to deploy a strategy or policy in a food and drink business. Deploying a strategy or policy in a food and drink business is important in ensuring key decisions around the direction of the business, its objectives and responsibilities are followed through to practical outcomes and guidelines. You will need the skills and knowledge to prepare to deploy a strategy or policy, communicate and ensure the strategy or policy is implemented to organisational requirements and standards. You will also need the skills and knowledge to obtain and deliver feedback on the implementation process. You will need to know and understand the origins of ethical and social responsibility, how it affects the operation of a food and drink business, consumer choices and its overall effect on the success of the business. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink operations and/or supply operations and are involved in deploying organisational strategy and policy in a food and drink business.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare for direct strategy or policy implementation

  1. confirm the key objectives of the strategy or policy

  2. draft the plans for strategy or policy implementation

  3. discuss the impact of the implementation plans on productivity,

    quality, compliance or other areas of the food business

  4. agree the plans with relevant colleagues and any key


  5. determine the resources and timescales available to ensure

    implementation of the strategy or policy

  6. confirm the availability of resources for implementation

    Implement and manage strategy or policy

  7. brief relevant colleagues on your plans and their roles and

    responsibilities for implementation

  8. provide on-going support, encouragement and information to

    manage implementation

  9. confirm processes and resources are available to address

    potential problems arising from implementation of a strategy or


  10. implement the strategy or policy, selecting and applying a range

    of management tools and techniques

  11. monitor, control and review progress of the implementation

  12. communicate progress to relevant colleagues at regular intervals

  13. identify any required changes to the strategy or policy

  14. inform the relevant colleagues of any changes and adjust

    resource requirements as necessary

    Monitor the strategy or policy deployment

  15. evaluate the success of the deployment of a strategy or policy in a

    food and drink business

  16. assess the impact of the strategy or policy on colleagues

  17. assess the impact of the strategy or policy on organisational

    productivity, quality, compliance and other requirements of the

    food and drink business

  18. obtain and give feedback on the deployment process and its

    impact on the food and drink business

  19. review the value of your contribution to the deployment of the

    strategy or policy

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to access and review the strategy or policy requiring


    1. why it is important to determine the resources required to deploy a

    strategy or policy across a food and drink business and how to do


    1. the importance of ensuring processes and resources are available

    to address potential problems and how to address such problems

    1. the communication methods available to aid deployment of a

    strategy or policy across a food and drink business

    1. the people across the food and drink business with whom you

    need to communicate the strategy or policy

    1. the organisational management tools and techniques available to

    implement the strategy or policy

    1. how to determine the processes and systems by which the

    strategy or policy can be implemented

    1. how to develop plans and timescales for the deployment process

    in a food and drink business

    1. why it is important to keep relevant people up to date on the

    progress of the implementation and how to do this

    1. why it is important to provide feedback to relevant people on the

    content of the strategy or policy

    1. the actions required if changes are needed to the food and drink

    business strategy or policy

    1. why it is important to evaluate the success of the deployment

    process including its impact on colleagues, organisational

    productivity, quality and compliance requirements

    1. how to provide and receive feedback on the deployment process

    including your contribution to the process

    1. the definition of social and ethical responsibility and the differing

    ways this term can be interpreted across different sectors and

    areas of the food industry

    1. the origins of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how it has

    impacted on the local, UK and international food industry

    1. the key areas of social and ethical responsibility that influence the

    food and drink industry

    1. how social and ethical responsibility influences decision making

    and operations across a food and drink business

    1. how environment, people, animals, politics and sustainability

    issues affect consumer food and drink purchasing choices

    1. how the way a food and drink business operates or is perceived to

    operate can affect consumer choices and therefore affect the

    commercial success of the food and drink business

    1. the key differences between a food and drink commodity market

    and a service based market, the factors affecting each of these

    markets and how they influence social and ethical responsibility

    decision making in the operation of a food and drink business


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

01 Jan 2024





Originating Organisation


Original URN

impbp108s, impbp109k, impbp110k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Business; Manage; Implement; Strategy; Environment