Contribute to the development of an organisational culture in a food and drink business
This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to contribute to the development of an organisational culture in a food and drink business. It is essential that a culture is developed in conjunction with the objectives and aims of an organisation as the vision and strategy of an organisation are key to providing the focus for the culture of an organisation. The culture within an organisation is an integral contributor to workforce behaviour and attitudes and consequently affects organisational success. You will need the skills and knowledge to scope the organisations current culture, develop an organisational culture and implement the plan across your organisation. You must also have the skills and knowledge to evaluate the development process. You will need the skills and knowledge to develop an organisational culture by developing and monitoring policies and procedures. You will need the skills and knowledge to communicate and motivate the workforce. You will need the skills and knowledge to support organisational values with your personal actions and communications. You will need to know and understand the importance of culture to a food and drink business and its effect on organisational success. You will also need to know the drivers for cultural change in an organisation and the actions that can be used to influence cultural change. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink operations and/or supply operations and are involved in contributing to an organisational culture in a food and drink environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Scope the organisation's values and assumptions
confirm the existing values within the organisation that determine
its culture
determine the scope for developing organisational culture
engage with colleagues to gain support for the development of a
recognised and strong organisational culture
liaise with colleagues to plan the development of, or change to, an
organisational culture
Develop an organisational culture
consult with colleagues and stakeholders to determine
organisational values and a cultural vision
collate feedback from consultation in accordance with
organisational procedures
agree on organisational values and a cultural vision
embed organisational values into strategy and policies
Implement culture improvements
reinforce agreed values with your actions and words
communicate agreed values to workforce
motivate colleagues to put agreed values into practice on a day to
day basis
support agreed values with organisational policies, programmes
and systems
take opportunities to counter instances of conflict amongst
colleagues with agreed values
Evaluate culture improvement progress
obtain feedback on cultural development from colleagues
analyse issues arising from feedback
evaluate and measure cultural progress on the deployment of
organisational objectives and plans
communicate outcomes of evaluation to relevant people
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
how to develop a cultural vision and why it is important to do so
- why it is important to define, and communicate your
organisational culture
- what the values and assumptions are which are critical to the
formation of an organisational culture
- what the key factors and barriers are that influence the
development of organisational culture
- what the relationship is between organisational culture, strategy
and organisational performance
- the current culture in your organisation and an analysis of the gap
between existing and future cultural vision
- how the development of a culture can be managed across all
areas of your organisation
- how to take into account the regulatory, social and ethical
framework for cultural development within your organisation
- how to develop policies and procedures to support a culture in
your organisation
- the importance of individual actions at work to underpin the
development and sustainability of organisational culture
- how to evaluate and measure cultural development across a food
and drink business and why it is important to do so
- the concept of organisational culture, its limits, origins, subjective
and unifying nature
- how the underlying beliefs, values and codes of practice held
within an organisation make it culturally distinct
- how the subjective nature of culture affects the way we
understand and react to situations and how we typically react to
- the relationship between organisational culture and the food and
drink business operational and management environment
- how to classify culture within an organisation including task,
power and role cultures
- how gender differences within a workforce can affect
organisational culture
- the concepts of multi-culture and counter-culture and their effects
on organisational success
- what part culture plays in the leadership and strategic
management of an organisation in a food and drink environment
- how does culture contribute to organisational innovation,
productivity and success in a food and drink environment
- why culture can constrain organisational innovation, productivity
and success in a food and drink environment
- why values and beliefs, colleague behaviours and a shared
common language are key to defining and thus changing
organisational culture and how this change can be brought about
- the positive and negative effects of culture change on an
organisation and how negative effects can be overcome