Develop and maintain relationships with external organisations in a food and drink environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Growth and Development
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to develop and maintain relationships with external organisations in a food and drink environment. Building relationships with existing customers, suppliers, stakeholders or additional organisations is important in maintaining the day to day effectiveness of a food and drink business. Building the complex relationships that exist between a food and drink business, its customers, suppliers, stakeholders and other additional organisations is a key skill important to differing degrees to the whole workforce business. You will need the skills and knowledge to source information relating to external contacts, build relationships and act appropriately to create a positive image of you and your food and drink business. You also need the skills and knowledge to record and act upon information gained from relationships with external organisations. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in developing and maintaining relationships with external organisations in a food and drink environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Build relationships

  1. source organisational records for the storing of information

    relating to contact with external organisations

  2. prioritise external contacts using agreed organisational criteria

  3. keep in regular communication with external contacts using

    appropriate systems and technology

  4. improve relationships with external people or organisations using

    innovative methods

  5. recognise when a relationship with an external organisation needs

    to be terminated

    Creating a positive image

  6. conduct yourself in a way that promotes a positive image of you

    and your food and drink business

  7. adapt your behaviour to take into account other people's culture,

    methods of communication and methods of working

  8. work in a way that promotes trust and respect

  9. promote your work in a way that encourages other people and

    organisations to find out about your food business

    Record and act upon information

  10. take note of requests and adhere to any promises made

  11. communicate in a timely manner if you cannot deliver an


  12. identify existing external relationships that may require additional


  13. create innovative ways in which faltering relationships can be


  14. record and communicate to relevant people agreed actions arising

    from a contact including timeframes and responsibilities

  15. communicate relevant information to colleagues affected by

    agreed actions

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to source paper and e-based organisational records relating

    to existing organisational contacts

    1. how to prioritise existing contacts and why it is important to do this

    2. the methods of verbal, non-verbal, paper and e-based

    communication available in your organisation and how to use


    1. what the innovative methods are of improving relationships with

    external people or organisations

    1. how to conduct yourself in a way that promotes a positive image

    of you and your food and drink business and why it is important to

    do so

    1. the different cultures, methods of communication and methods of

    working you must adapt to when building external relationships

    1. how to promote trust and respect

    2. why it is important to listen to requests and adhere to any

    promises made in a timely manner

    1. how to identify existing relationships that are faltering and decide

    on an improvement or termination strategy

    1. the organisational requirements for the recording information

    relating to external contacts

    1. why it is important to share information with colleagues when

    appropriate and useful to your food and drink business and how to

    do this


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impbg303s, impbg304k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Develop; Maintain; External relationships