Determine the on-going potential of key customer accounts

Business Sectors (Suites): Food Business Growth and Development
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about the skills and knowledge needed for you to determine the on-going potential of key customer accounts. Customers can be profitable, cooperative and always pay on time, others can be time consuming, yield little return but have a high profile end user. Gauging the on-going potential of customers is of great importance in maintaining the profitability of a food business. Determining if a customer is a time waster, is likely to have difficulty paying or their products require a difficult production process are all important factors in deciding if a customer is worth keeping. Additionally this information can be used to decide how a customer is dealt with on a day to day basis. It can also be used to inform where time, resources and expenditure can be focused to aid the success of the food business. You will need the skills and knowledge to determine the criteria by which a customer will be judged, ensuring the criteria are agreed by colleagues. You will also need the skills and knowledge to source specific information, from different areas of the food business and use the information to gauge potential of a customer. This standard is for you if you work in food and drink manufacture and/or supply operations and are involved in determining the on-going potential of key customer accounts.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Determine criteria

  1. determine criteria by which customers will be assessed

  2. communicate criteria to colleagues, receive feedback and amend

    criteria accordingly

    Collate information

  3. source the food and drink business current customers

  4. source data relating to the financial aspects of each customer

    including profitability and if the customer is financially solvent

  5. gauge the amount of man hours needed to work with each


  6. assess the ease of production for goods made for each customer

  7. establish the willingness and ease of ability of customers to cooperate and work with different areas of the food business

    including finance, production, technical and distribution

  8. determine the benefits and challenges of working with a specific

    high profile customer or end user

  9. assess the potential of a customer for expansion

  10. assess the importance of informal and sensitive information

    relating to a customer and how to record, handle and use this


    Evaluate information

  11. use collated information and criteria to gauge the food and drink

    businesses on-going potential

  12. make recommendations to the relevant people about the need to

    pursue further contracts, modify the methods of working with

    specific customers or reject working with a specific customer


Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to source the current customers to your food and drink


    1. the different methods, quantitative and qualitative, of assessing

    customers, their advantages and disadvantages

    1. the methods of communication and technology, available to aid

    the gathering of information, in your organisation and how to use


    1. how to collate and present gathered information

    2. the methods of communication and technology, available to aid

    the gathering of information, in your organisation and how to use


    1. why it is important to establish a formal criteria or key

    performance indicator by which a customer can be assessed

    1. how to consult with colleagues to establish criteria and why it is

    important to do so

    1. how to source data relating to each food and drink business

    departments working relationship with specific customers

    1. the areas of the food and drink business most important to

    determining the on-going potential of key customers

    1. how to use gathered information to inform decision making around

    determining the on-going potential of customers

    1. why it is important to inform relevant people of findings and how to

    do this

    1. the organisational and regulatory requirements relating to the

    handling of data


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN

impab107s, impab108k

Relevant Occupations

Administration, Associate Professionals and Technical oc, Business Management

SOC Code



Food; Drink; Manufacturing; Determine; On going potential; Key customer accounts