Control the preparation and mixing of dough in automated operations
This standard covers the skills and knowledge needed to control the preparation and mixing of dough in automated bakery operations. Fermented dough typically includes bread and roll dough, enriched dough, and base dough for Danish and Croissant. Non-fermented dough typically includes dough used in the manufacture of pastes, biscuits and un-leavened breads. The preparation and mixing of dough is important to efficient processing of dough and maintaining quality of the finished products.
You need to show and understand how you control the preparation and mixing of dough, required by a product specification and work instructions. You will need to show and know how to start-up and shut down mixing equipment, and ensure dough mixing meets production and quality requirements. You will need to ensure that dough is not contaminated or cross contaminated and that relevant records and reporting are maintained. Complying with and understanding health and safety, food safety and organisational requirements are essential features of this standard.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. check product specifications in accordance with operational needs
2. set up plant/equipment according to specifications
3. check that weighed, measured and sieved ingredients for mixing dough, are available and fit for use
4. isolate and report any substandard ingredients and take action to source replacement supplies where this is necessary
5. start up the plant/equipment and check that it is running to specification
6. take action within the limits of your own authority in response to operating problems
7. operate the plant/equipment to mix ingredients according to instructions and specifications
8. check the quality of dough against specification and report any inconsistency to the relevant person
9. use additional ingredients, adjust the consistency of dough to specification where this is permitted
10. make sure that the dough is in the correct condition for the next stage of the production process
11. transfer the dough to the correct location for the next stage in the production process
12. follow procedures and specifications to shut down plant/equipment
13. deal with items that can be re-cycled or reworked in accordance with procedures
14. dispose of waste in accordance with procedures
15. make equipment ready for future use after completion of the process
16. carry out cleaning, lubrication and detection activities in accordance with procedures
18. operate in accordance with health, safety, environmental, cleaning and food safety requirements
19. avoid contamination or cross contamination of dough products in accordance with procedures
20. complete relevant records and make available as required
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. the importance of following work specifications to ensure successful dough processing
3. how to keep dough within specification when there are minor changes in ingredient performance, production timing or environmental conditions
4. how to avoid contamination and cross-contamination during dough processing and what might happen if this is not done
5. how to recognise and report dough that does not meet specification during processing
6. the procedure for rejecting and isolating failed dough
7. the relevant regulatory requirements, health and safety, food safety and environmental standards and what might happen if they are not met
8. how to carry out the necessary pre-start equipment checks and why it is important to do so
9. how to follow standard operating procedures and why it is important to do so
10. how to operate, regulate and shut down equipment
11. the limits of your own authority and competence and why it is important to work within them
12. the lines and methods of communication within your organisation
13. how to communicate effectively with team, managers and other specialists