Dismantle end of life vehicles

Business Sectors (Suites): Vehicle Recycling
Developed by: IMI
Approved on: 30 Mar 2022


This standard is about dismantling end of life vehicles, removing vehicle parts, evaluating whether suitable for re-use, re-manufacture or re-cycling and storing in a way that will minimise damage or deterioration. It is also about ensuring accurate records are maintained throughout.

For the purposes of this standard, ELVs include light vehicles, light commercial vehicles and motorcycles.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 use suitable personal and vehicle protective equipment throughout all removal activities
P2 support your dismantling activities by reviewing:

P2.1 vehicle documentation
P2.2 vehicle technical data
P2.3 removal procedures
P2.4 legal requirements 
P3 prepare the vehicle systems and work area for safe working procedures as appropriate to the vehicle
P4 prepare, check and use all the equipment required following manufacturers' instructions
P5 carry out all dismantling activities following:

P5.1 health, safety and environmental requirements
P5.2 your workplace procedures
P6 work in a way which minimises the risk of:

P6.1 damage to other vehicle systems or parts
P6.2 contact with leakage or hazardous substances
P6.3 damage to your working environment
P6.4 injury to self and others
P7 identify components considered to be target parts
P8 use appropriate testing methods to assess the performance of target parts to evaluate if suitable and safe for re-use or recycling
P9 ensure all target parts conform to the vehicle operating specification and any legal requirements 
P10 clean and prepare parts for storage 
P11 promptly record any additional faults you notice during the course of your work to ensure unsuitable parts are not marked for re-use.
P12 ensure all removed parts are tagged or labelled and stored in the correct manner
P13 ensure your records are accurate, complete and passed to the relevant person(s) within the agreed timescale in the format required

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

*Legislative and organisational requirements and procedures *
K1 current relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines relating to end of life vehicles
K2 the requirements for and importance of how to select and use personal and vehicle protective equipment when dismantling end of life vehicles
K3 your organisation's systems and procedures for: 

K3.1 maintaining records 
K3.2 dealing with special considerations
K3.3 the referral of problems
K3.4 reporting delays to the completion of work
K4 the hazards associated with working on or near petrol and alternative fuel vehicle systems and components 
K5 the importance of working to agreed timescales and keeping others informed of progress
K6 the importance of promptly reporting anticipated delays to the relevant person(s) 

Dismantling activities *
K7 the importance of checking vehicle stock records prior to starting dismantling activities
K8 how to remove *parts without causing damage and minimising contact with leakage and hazardous substances
K9 how to identify target marketable parts
K10 how to evaluate whether parts are suitable for re-use, re-manufacture or re-cycling.
K11 how to clean and prepare parts for storage 
K12 the importance of applying a unique identification number to removed parts
K13 the information to include when tagging or labelling a part
K14 the importance of ensuring parts are tagged with accurate information
K15 the importance of ensuring the part tag or label is easily visible 
K16 how to move and store parts on site without causing damage or deterioration
K17 the principles of parts grading and the circumstances where the grade might need to be amended and recorded
K18 how to locate where vehicle parts are stored using the appropriate information systems used in your organisation


1. **Information** to include:

1.1. unique part identification number
1.2. originating vehicle VIN (where possible)
1.3. assigned quality grade

2. Testing methods are:

2.1. sensory
2.2. functional
2.3. measurement

3. Parts are:

3.1. mechanical
3.2. electrical
3.3. panels
3.4. wheels
3.5. cosmetic and trim
3.6. control systems
3.7. safety systems

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





This section contains examples and explanations of some of the terms used but does not form part of the standard.

Agreed timescales
This can be as dictated by government guidance, a contractual service level agreement or customer request.

End of life vehicles
A vehicle that has come to the end of its useful life as a motor vehicle and is categorised as waste, generally due to age, malfunction or accident. These may include light vehicles, light commercial vehicles and motorcycles.

Special considerations
To include whether vehicle has been assigned to any hazard category (including flood or fire damage, biohazard contamination or an alternative fuel source), or subject to recall by manufacturer or DVSA.

Target part
A vehicle part that has demand for re-use and that the vehicle recycler removes from an ELV for re-use. May also be referred to as reclaimed, re-usable, recycled or 'green'.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

30 Mar 2025





Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Vehicle Recycler

SOC Code



Vehicle; recycling; ELV; dismantle;