Process returned goods and materials in a vehicle parts environment
Business Sectors (Suites): Vehicle Parts Operations
Developed by: IMI
Approved on:
The standard is about returned goods and materials, including surcharged motor vehicle parts and dealing with old units and motor vehicle parts warranty. It includes informing customers what you can do to help them and taking suitable action (refund, credit note or replacement goods etc.).
For this standard parts may be new, refurbished or recycled.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 clearly and politely check with the customer what goods they want to return and their reasons
P2 apologise promptly if your company appears to be at fault
P3 follow legal and company requirements for offering replacements and refunds, and explain these to the customer clearly and politely
P4 explain to the customer clearly and politely the action you are going to take, and any charges that apply
P5 accurately pick out the replacement goods and follow company procedures for preparing them to be sent out
P6 handle and store potentially hazardous or dangerous goods
P7 explain to the customer accurately, clearly and politely the arrangements for returning the unwanted goods
P8 accurately check the type, quantity and condition of returned goods
P9 give accurate and complete information to the person who can raise a credit note or refund the payment
P10 promptly, accurately and fully update the stock control system
P11 clearly label any goods that are to be returned to the supplier or manufacturer
P12 move returned goods to the correct place and position
P13 separate unsalable goods from sales stock
P14 inform relevant person(s) of a return
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Legislative and organisational requirements and procedures *
K1 current relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines relating to processing the return of goods
K2 the main reasons customers might have for returning goods
K3 the customer's legal rights to replacements and refunds
K4 when and how to inform *relevant person(s) of a return
K5 when to offer an apology when the company appears to be at fault
K6 company policies and procedures for replacements and refunds, including proof of purchase
K7 the authority levels you and other colleagues hold to agree to replacements and refunds
K8 how customers should return unwanted goods
K9 where to find replacement goods
K10 any charges that apply when your company is not at fault
K11 who can raise credit notes and refund payments, and the information they need
K12 your company procedures for preparing replacement goods for sending out
K13 how to update the stock control system accurately and fully when goods are returned and why you should do so promptly
K14 how to label goods for return to the supplier or manufacturer
K15 where to place returned goods that cannot be re-sold
K16 where to place returned goods that can be re-sold
K17 the risks associated with a range of potentially hazardous or dangerous goods and how these should be handled and stored
1. **Relevant person(s)** include:
1.1. manager1.2. supervisor1.3. team leader1.4. senior manager
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
This section contains examples and explanations of some of the terms used but does not form part of the standard.
Customers *These are defined as internal and external customers.
Parts **These are motor vehicle parts (new, refurbished or recycled), any accessories and consumables
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Vehicle Parts Operative, Vehicle Parts Assistant, Vehicle Parts Advisor
SOC Code
Vehicle; parts; process; returned; goods; materials;