Set up, test and use oxyacetylene in automotive applications
Business Sectors (Suites): Vehicle Fitting
Developed by: IMI
Approved on:
This standard is about the safe setting up, testing and use of oxyacetylene in automotive applications.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 select and use suitable personal protective equipment throughout all activities
P2 work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, and other relevant regulations and guidelines
P3 confirm that the oxy-fuel assembly is correctly **set up** prior to use and ready for the heating activities to be carried out
P4 manipulate the heating equipment safely and correctly in line with operational procedures
P5 use cutting equipment to make straight through section cuts
P6 carry out the necessary checks to the vehicle and surrounding areas to ensure correct operation and safety
P7 deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved to an appropriate person
P8 safely ignite and shut down the equipment to a safe condition on completion of the heating/cutting activities
P9 safely replace empty gas cylinders observing the necessary health and safety requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Legislative and organisational requirements and procedures
K1 the current health and safety legislation and workplace procedures relevant to workshop practices and personal and vehicle protection
K2 safe working practices and procedures for using thermal equipment in line with British Compressed Gas Association (BCGA) codes of practice
K3 your workplace procedures for:
K3.1 the referral of problemsK3.2 record keepingK3.3 personal protectionK4 the specific safety precautions to be taken when working with thermal cutting equipment in a fabrication environmentK5 how to select and use the appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment that needs to be worn when working with fabrications and thermal cutting equipmentK6 the correct methods of manual handling relating to moving or lifting heavy materials and componentsK7 the importance of an auditable checklist of the oxy acetylene plant to ensure safe working practicesK8 the hazards associated with thermal cutting and how they can be minimisedK9 the extent of your own authority and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve
K10 how to set up the thermal cutting equipmentK11 the gases used in thermal cutting; gas identification and colour codes; their particular characteristics and safety procedures
Thermal cutting using oxyacetyleneK12 the thermal cutting processK13 preparations prior to cuttingK14 flame control and the effects of mixtures and pressures associated with thermal cutting)K15 the correct procedure for igniting and extinguishing the flame, and the importance of following the procedureK16 procedures to be followed for cutting specific materials, and why these procedures must always be adhered to
K17 the problems that can occur with thermal cutting, and how they can be avoided; causes of distortion during thermal cutting and methods of controlling distortionK18 the effects of oil, grease, scale or dirt on the cutting processK19 the causes of cutting defects, how to recognise them and methods of correction and prevention*
1. Equipment **set up** includes the following checks:
1.1. regulators, hoses and valves are securely connected and free from leaks and damage1.2. the correct gas nozzle is fitted to the cutting torch1.3. that a flashback arrestor is fitted to gas equipment1.4. gas pressures are set and maintained as instructed1.5. the correct procedure is used for lighting, adjusting and extinguishing the cutting flame1.6. hoses are safely routed and protected at all times1.7. gas cylinders are handled and stored safely and correctly
2. Pre-cutting preparations include:2.1. checking connections for leaks2.2. setting gas pressures2.3. setting up the material/workpiece2.4. checking cleanliness of materials used
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
This section contains examples and explanations of some of the terms used but does not form part of the standard.
BCGA code of practice
To include setting up procedures, permit-to-work procedures and emergency shutdown procedures
To include naked flames, fumes and gases, explosive gas mixtures, oxygen enrichment, spatter, hot metal, elevated working, enclosed spaces, noise
Personal protective clothing and equipment
To include: respiratory protection, leather aprons, gauntlets, eye protection, safety helmets, LEV/Ventilation etc.
Safety precautions
To include general workshop and site safety, fire and explosion prevention, protecting other workers, safety in enclosed/confined spaces; fume control; accident procedure; statutory requirements, risk assessment procedures and relevant requirements of HASAWA, COSHH and Work Equipment Regulations; safe disposal of waste materials and Noise at Work Regulations 1989
Set up thermal cutting equipment
To include connection of hoses, regulators and flashback arrestors, selection of cutting torch and nozzle size in relationship to material thickness and operations performed
Thermal cutting process
To include basic principles of thermal cutting and related equipment; the various techniques and their limitation; care of the equipment to ensure that it is safe and ready to use
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Vehicle Fitters, Vehicle Fitting Operations (Automotive)
SOC Code
Safe; use; oxyacetylene; automotive; applications;