Identify and rectify minor repairs to motor vehicle body panels

Business Sectors (Suites): Vehicle Body Repair
Developed by: IMI
Approved on: 2023


This standard is about repairing vehicle body panels, both plastic and metal, using a variety of techniques, including application of filler. Surfaces must be left in a condition suitable for refinishing processes.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 identify component materials involved in the construction of the vehicle in the areas that will be worked on during repair, prior to working on the vehicle 
P2 use the appropriate personal protective equipment when carrying out repairs to exterior body panels *
P3 protect the vehicle and its contents when carrying out *repairs to exterior body panels *
P4 inspect, prepare and use all the *tools and equipment required following manufacturers' instructions 
P5 use technical information to check that a repair is permissible
P6 carry out preparation and repairs to non-structural body panels following:

P6.1 manufacturers' methods/instructions
P6.2 recognised researched repair/replacement methods
P6.3 your workplace procedures
P6.4 health, safety and legal requirements 
P7 correctly use specialist dent removal tools to reform all damaged panels 
P8 restore exterior body panels to their original contours by correctly using hand tools and filling materials 
P9 avoid damaging other components, standards and panels on the vehicle 
P10 correctly replace any sealer, anti-corrosion and sound deadening materials which were removed prior to the repair 
P11 ensure all plastic repairs regain the strength of the original part 
P12 complete repaired components to an agreed condition ready for refinishing *processes *
P13 complete all activities within the agreed timescale 
P14 promptly report any anticipated delays in completion to the relevant person(s)

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 the health and safety legislation and workplace procedures relevant to workshop practices and personal and vehicle protection when repairing body panels *
K2 the vehicle work specification agreed 
K3 the importance of working to agreed timescales and keeping others informed of progress 
K4 the relationship between time, cost and profitability 
K5 your workplace procedures for the referral of problems 
K6 the importance of promptly reporting anticipated delays to the relevant person(s)  
K7 the requirements for protecting the vehicle and contents from damage before, during and after repair activities 
K8 the principles of the selection and use of hand tools for metal finishing and plastic filling *repairs *
K9 how to select the correct *tools and equipment to carry out reshaping work, including specialist dent removal tools 
K10 how to prepare, test, use and maintain the tools and equipment required to prepare damage and reshape damaged areas 
K11 the properties of component materials involved in the construction of the vehicle in the areas that will be worked on during repair 
K12 how to mix and apply plastic fillers 
K13 the properties and use of metals used to manufacture body panels
K14 the properties and safe use of types of filling materials used to repair panels 
K15 the different types and grades of abrasive and their use 
K16 the techniques for identifying the type of plastics used for manufactured components 
K17 how to interpret and use sources of information relevant to the removal of body components 
K18 how to prepare the vehicle to avoid contamination 
K19 how to prepare damaged areas to facilitate repairs *
K20 how to repair plastic components using thermal and adhesive *techniques *
K21 how to rough out and metal finish *body panels *
K22 how to reshape filling materials to match the original panel contour 
K23 how to finish *repairs to a suitable agreed condition for refinishing 
K24 how to work safely avoiding damage to the vehicle and its systems

K25 the tech*n*iques for reshaping damaged body panels using hand and specialist tools
K26 the procedures for reinstating anti-corrosion, sealant and sound deadening materials 
K27 the procedures for repairing damage to plastic components 
K28 the techniques and processes for plastic repairs
K29 the implications of not filling to the correct specification
K30 the techniques used to regain the contours of repaired plastic components 
K31 methods of checking reshaped panel contours for accuracy 
K32 standards of finish required to enable the next stage of repairs to proceed 
K33 the manufacturer's approved methods of working for the preparation and repair of non-structural body panels and the implications of not following them
K34 the pedestrian safety aspects of repairability of vehicles
K35 what can/can’t be repaired for safety reasons (ADAS for example), manufacturer and industry agreed standards for these and why these standards must be adhered to


All of the items listed below form part of this National Occupational Standard.

1. Repairs are:

1.1. body filling and finishing of flat areas of a panel 
1.2. repairs to dents that are over 70 mm in diameter in body panels, including curvature panels and swage lines 
1.3. repairs to splits and scuffs on plastic components 

2. Vehicle body panels are: 

2.1. non-permanently fixed panels 
2.2. permanently fixed component 

3. Techniques and processes are: 

3.1. plastic repairs 
3.2. shrinking 
3.3. panel pulling 
3.4. metal finishing 
3.5. plastic filling 
3.6. panel beating 
3.7. indirect hammering 
3.8. direct hammering 
3.9. spring hammering 
3.10. body filing 
3.11. application of body filling/stopper 

4. Tools and Equipment are: 

4.1. workshop equipment 
4.2. generic hand tools 
4.3. manufacturer's specified and specialist tools

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Accident Repair Technicians, Body Repair and Alignment Technician (Automotive), Body Repair Technician (Automotive)

SOC Code



Minor; repairs; motor; vehicle; body; panels