Carry out routine lift truck maintenance
Business Sectors (Suites): Maintenance and Repair - Lift Truck
Developed by: IMI
Approved on:
This standard is about conducting routine maintenance, adjustment and replacement activities as part of the periodic servicing of fork lift trucks.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 use suitable personal protective equipment throughout all lift truck maintenance activities
P2 use suitable sources of technical information to support all your lift truck maintenance activities
P3 use the correct specifications and tolerances appropriate to the lift truck you are working on, when making assessments of system and component performance
P4 record details accurately and use this adapted specification as the basis for your examination and assessment where the lift truck being worked upon falls outside the manufacturer’s original specification
P5 examine the lift truck’s systems and components following:
P5.1 the manufacturer’s approved examination methodsP5.2 your workplace proceduresP5.3 health and safety requirementsP6 ensure any problems that you notice whilst carrying out your servicing activity are promptly reported to the relevant person(s) in authorityP7 carry out adjustments, replacements and replenishment of consumable materials following the manufacturer’s current specification and timescales for:P7.1 the particular service intervalP7.2 working methods and proceduresP7.3 use of equipmentP7.4 tolerances relevant to the lift truck you are working onP8 record work details accurately and where system adjustments cannot be made within the manufacturer’s specification report these deviations to the relevant person(s)P9 carry out a risk assessment to avoid risk of damage to the lift truck, its systems, the surrounding environment and yourselfP10 use suitable testing methods to evaluate the performance of all replaced and adjusted components and systems accurately, prior to returning the lift truck to the customerP11 promptly report any problems or issues relating to the lift truck’s condition or conformity to the relevant person(s)P12 ensure your maintenance records are accurate, complete and promptly passed to the relevant person(s) in the format requiredP13 complete all lift truck maintenance activities within the agreed timescaleP14 promptly report any anticipated delays in completion to the relevant persons(s) in authority
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Legislative and organisational requirements and procedures*
K1 the manufacturers' and legal requirements relating to routine maintenance activities for lift truck systems and components
K2 the legal requirements relating to the lift truck
K3 the health and safety legislation and workplace procedures relevant to lift truck maintenance and repair activities including PPE
K4 your workplace procedures for:
K4.1 recording maintenance work and any variations from the original specificationK4.2 the referral of problemsK4.3 reporting delays to the completion of workK5 how to carry out a risk assessmentK6 the importance of documenting maintenance informationK7 how to complete a maintenance reportK8 the importance of working to agreed timescales and keeping others informed of progressK9 the relationship between time and costsK10 the importance of promptly reporting anticipated delays to the relevant person(s) in authorityK11 the responsibilities towards environmental issues for:K11.1 your organisationK11.2 the customer workplace in which you are workingK11.3 yourself
Use of technical informationK12 how to find, interpret and use sources of technical information for scheduled maintenance activities including manufacturers’ recommended timescales and on-board diagnostic displaysK13 the importance of using the correct sources of technical information *K14 the purpose of and how to use identification codes
Lift truck system operationK15 how power source systems for lift trucks operate; including gas, diesel, electric and alternative fuelsK16 how transmission systems and components, for internal combustion and electric lift trucks functionK17 how the lifting systems, steering systems, braking systems operate
K18 the purpose, operating principles, location and limits of responsibility of power storage systems (including batteries), power generating systems,(including off vehicle charging systems) starting systemsK19 the operating specifications and tolerances for the type(s) of lift trucks that you are maintaining
Routine maintenance requirementsK20 how to conduct scheduled, routine *examination methods and assessments against specifications to identify damage, corrosion, inadequate fluid levels, leaks, wear and general condition and serviceabilityK21 check and make adjustments to clearances, gaps, settings, alignment, pressures, tension, speeds and levels in accordance with the manufacturers’ service scheduleK22 how to replenish and replace routine service components and materials in accordance with the service scheduleK23 how to identify and report damage to the lift truckK24 how to identify codes and grades of lubricantsK25 how to work safely avoiding damage to the lift truck and its systems
1. Sources of technical information include:
1.1. lift truck technical data1.2. schedules of inspection1.3. regulations
2. Examination methods include:2.1. sensory2.2. functional2.3. measurements
3. Assessments are for:3.1. malfunction3.2. damage3.3. fluid levels3.4. leaks3.5. wear3.6. condition and serviceability3.7. conformity3.8. necessity for adjustment(s)3.9. battery (lead acid/traction)
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Lift Truck Service Technician (Automotive), Lift Truck Trailer Diagnostic Technician (Automotive), Lift Truck Trailer Master Technician (Automotive), Lift Truck Workshop Controller
SOC Code
Routine; lift; truck; maintenance;