Prepare to carry out automotive glazing work

Business Sectors (Suites): Automotive Glazing
Developed by: IMI
Approved on: 2020


This standard covers the need to provide assistance and information to customers at various stages of the automotive glazing work and the preparation of the equipment and site for installation or repair work on vehicles.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 determine/ establish what the customer’s requirements are
P2 record all relevant customer requirements
P3 identify the methods appropriate to the task and the vehicle being worked on
P4 provide information on the available options for achieving the customer’s requirements
P5 provide the customer with alternative solutions in cases where work cannot be undertaken and/or completed
P6 carry out and record information on the vehicle condition and relevant component operation prior to commencing work 
P7 ensure information provided to the customer contains sufficient detail to meet their requirements
P8 pass on any requests for information that cannot be met to the appropriate person
P9 confirm the suitability of the work with all relevant people
P10 ensure the work can be delivered within the time scale agreed with the customer
P11 correctly inform the customer of the consequences of proceeding with the work
P12 obtain clear authorisation to proceed with the work
P13 position and immobilise the vehicle in a way that minimises danger to and from other site users
P14 isolate the low voltage electrical system of the vehicle correctly when necessary and permissible
P15 isolate the work site from hazards and allow sufficient room to work effectively and safely
P16 use correct Personal and Vehicle Protective Equipment, and carefully remove and securely store any items that may be damaged if not removed
P17 record information on the preparation of the work site and vehicle in the appropriate information systems
P18 select the power tools/equipment that is suitable and confirm that it is available and safe for use
P19 set up the power tools/equipment correctly
P20 start up power tools/equipment safely and in the correct sequence
P21 obtain and prepare materials of the correct specification as authorised in standard operating procedures
P22 store the materials in a suitable place
P23 replace materials at appropriate intervals using the correct stock rotation procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

K1 what type of information should be obtained from a customer and the relevance of current legislation relating to data protection when handling customer details
K2 the options for achieving customer’s requirements
K3 what type of information customers require, and why it could be important to them
K4 what work has to be done to meet different requirements
K5 how to identify the skills required to carry out the task
K6 the implications of not adhering to the competency requirements
K7 who might need to confirm that work should be undertaken
Products and services
K8 the products and services that could meet customer’s requirements
Payment methods
K9 the prices of routine products and services
K10 the payment methods that could be used
K11 how to inform and implement insurance claim procedures for customers
K12 how to correctly calculate the costs of all the products and services and provide clear information on them to the customer and agree payment method before starting the work
K13 how different types of vehicle are operated
K14 how to source/access relevant technical data 
K15 how vehicles should be positioned for different working conditions
K16 the different methods for immobilising the vehicle
K17 how to isolate the electrical system of vehicles
K18 the methods for isolating the site from other users
K19 what type of damage can occur to the vehicle, and which items should be removed
K20 what type of problems can occur with the work site and vehicle, and what are the standard operating procedures for dealing with them
K21 where to obtain information on the safe use of equipment
K22 what equipment to use for different work activities
K23 how to check equipment is fit for purpose and safe to use
K24 how to operate different types of equipment
K25 how to avoid damaging equipment through incorrect use
K26 how different types of equipment can be set up for different requirements
K27 what type of problems can occur with the equipment, and the standard operating procedures for dealing with them
K28 what type of materials are required for different jobs
K29 how to confirm the specification, suitability and compatibility of materials
K30 what quantity of materials is required for different jobs
K31 the stock levels for different materials that should be maintained
K32 how different types of material should be transported, stored and disposed of
K33 what type of problems can occur with the materials, and what are the standard operating procedures for dealing with them
Information recording
K34 what information systems should be used
K35 why it is important to use the information systems


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Tyre Exhaust and Windscreen Fitters

SOC Code



glass; automotive; glazing; cars; vans; mobile plant; buses; coaches