Shape automotive glazing for installation in vehicles

Business Sectors (Suites): Automotive Glazing
Developed by: IMI
Approved on: 2020


This standard requires the candidate to cut automotive glass, i.e. laminated safety glass, for installation in vehicles.  The dimensions of the glass have to be measured so that the correct glass size is cut.  In addition, the correct type of glass has to be installed to meet various requirements (e.g. windscreens and side screens), including health and safety.  The glass then has to be cut carefully to ensure it fits into the aperture.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

P1 comply with health and safety requirements and procedures at all times
P2 identify and assess any complex requirements that affect the shaping of the automotive glass
P3 ensure appropriate and accurate measuring equipment is used
P4 obtain the correct specification for the automotive glass
P5 ensure quality assurance requirements are satisfied
P6 identify and prepare a suitable location for shaping the automotive glass
P7 position the automotive glass correctly for cutting, shaping and finishing
P8 cut, shape and finish the automotive glass correctly according to the specification
P9 monitor the cutting, shaping and finishing to ensure it achieves the specification
P10 ensure that the glass is marked with the correct British or European marking
P11 use the automotive glass effectively to minimise wastage
P12 store finished product to minimise damage and correctly dispose of waste
P13 record information on the cutting, shaping and finishing of automotive glass in the appropriate information systems

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Health and safety
K1 the relevant health and safety responsibilities and obligations
Automotive glass

K2 what type of automotive glass is used for different purposes, and what are their features
K3 the methods for obtaining the correct specification for automotive glass
K4 the correct equipment for measuring and shaping different types of automotive glass
K5 how to handle and position the automotive glass correctly
K6 the correct way of shaping automotive glass for different requirements
Standard operating procedures

K7 the standard operating procedures for different activities
K8 how to obtain information on the standard operating procedures

K9 the types of problems that could occur
K10 how different types of problem can be resolved
Information recording

K11 what information systems should be used
K12 why it is important to use the information systems


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Tyre Exhaust and Windscreen Fitters

SOC Code



glass; automotive; glazing; cars; vans; mobile plant; buses; coaches