Procure print services

Business Sectors (Suites): Print Administration
Developed by: Improve
Approved on: 2020


This standard covers an area of work that will be undertaken by the learner and will form part of their overall duties. It is generally not a specific role within the company.

Normally the person who does this role in a printing company will either be in an administrative role or be linked to the production units. Certain services to the industry are not always local and there is a need to deal with suppliers, both in the UK and internationally and deal with the inherent problems that that entails.

Suppliers to the printing industry are generally categorised as follows;

  • Digital Artwork suppliers, including Graphic Designers
  • Substrate suppliers, including manufacturers/suppliers of special mill makings, pre-set price lists, discounts for large orders
  • Consumable suppliers
  • Outworkers – usually print finishers
  • Couriers

It is highly unlikely that the individual attempting this standard would not be involved in the purchase of capital equipment or deal with companies supplying spare machine parts.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Identify potential suppliers

  1. Identify print product/suppliers required following standard operating procedures
  2. obtain information on potential suppliers following standard operating procedures
  3. identify potential suppliers that comply with company criteria**

Place orders with suppliers

4. obtain information on print products/supplies that need to be ordered
5. confirm print product specifications with colleagues
6. place orders with suppliers following standard operating procedures
7. identify any problems in placing orders, including availability and delivery time
8. confirm orders with suppliers following standard operating procedures

Monitor the performance of suppliers

9. monitor performance of individual suppliers following standard operating procedures
10. identify any problems in using the preferred list of suppliers
11. provide results of monitoring procedures to colleagues following standard operating procedures
12. recommend options for improving the performance of suppliers following standard operating procedures
13. suggest alternative suppliers following standard operating procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. information on, and suitability of prospective suppliers
  2. range and availability of print suppliers required
  3. range and availability of print products required
  4. range of substrates, availability and suitability per process
  5. mill making based on cost/quantity of materials
  6. pre-set price lists
  7. discounts for large orders/mill makings
  8. suitability of products
  9. specialist products/substrates
  10. print procurement practices
  11. how to monitor methods and procedures of identifying prospective suppliers of print related products


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Printers, Printing Machine Minders and Assistants, Printing Trades

SOC Code



print; production; costing; estimating; sales; account; management