Deliver glass related products to customers in the glass distribution working environment

Business Sectors (Suites): Glass Processing
Developed by: GQA
Approved on: 2020


This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to be able to prepare and deliver glass and glass related products to customers. Knowledge of the pre-loading and delivery checks to make and communication and recording systems are also included.


The standard is aimed at operatives working in glass distribution and warehousing roles.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. carry out checks following company guidelines to ensure deliveries can go ahead
  2. identify items for delivery following the delivery schedule
  3. plan delivery schedules following company procedures
  4. deliver glass/products to customers in line with delivery schedule and minimising risks to the safety and security of glass and glass related products, delivery vehicle and contents
  5. use personal protective equipment (PPE) following company policies
  6. complete checks and deal with delivery paperwork following company procedures
  7. check security of delivery vehicles and contents following company procedures
  8. check vehicles following company procedures
  9. confirm loaded glass and related products and schedules meet specifications
  10. record information following company guidelines

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. company systems used to identify items for delivery
  2. company systems in place to identify delivery locations and schedules
  3. company processes for confirming loaded glass and related products and schedule meet specifications
  4. how to plan delivery schedules
  5. factors that could mean changes are needed to delivery schedules
  6. company communication methods and processes used when changes to delivery schedules are needed
  7. how to ensure security of delivery vehicles and contents
  8. types of information associated with deliveries that may need to be kept confidential and why
  9. checks to make on delivery vehicles
  10. company guidelines on carrying out vehicle checks
  11. problems that can occur in the delivery of glass/products
  12. company procedures for dealing with problems
  13. how problems could be avoided/minimised


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Glass and Ceramic Maker Decorator Finisher

SOC Code



Glass Processing; decorator; unit maker; operator; packing; blower; cutter; painter; processor; cold end; craft; laminated; screen; warehousing