Receive, handle and store glass and related products into the warehouse
Business Sectors (Suites): Glass Processing
Developed by: GQA
Approved on:
This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to receive, handle and store glass and glass related products into the warehouse. The standard includes the need to have knowledge of delivery schedules, checks and inspections, handling techniques and recording systems. Also covered are storage conditions and finally there is the need to know how to deal with problems that can occur with the ‘goods in’ processes.
The standard is aimed at operatives working in glass distribution and warehousing roles.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- receive and handle glass and glass related products following standard operating procedures
- accept glass and glass related products into the warehouse following standard operating procedures
- store delivered glass and glass related products following standard operating procedures.
- identify hazardous materials following standard operating procedures
- handle and store hazardous materials following standard operating procedures
- check inbound glass and glass related products meet specifications
- deal with goods/storage situations when receiving glass and glass related products into the warehouse
- record information following company guidelines.
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- typical delivery schedules including products, principal suppliers, frequency and resource and equipment required
- how to obtain information about future deliveries
- company procedures in place to check /inspect products inbound including bulk deliveries
- handling methods and equipment used, including personal protective equipment (PPE)
- storage conditions and methods used, for packing, labelling and stock rotation
- how to identify hazardous materials
- precautions in place for handling and storage of hazardous materials.
- procedures in place to safeguard security of products.
- company systems used to record information concerning glass and glass related products received into the warehouse.
- company procedures for dealing with goods labels do not agree with expected delivery
- company procedures for dealing with goods arriving that are damaged
- company procedures when normal storage locations are not available
- company procedures for dealing with shortfall in quantities delivered
Scope Performance
Goods/storage situations
- goods label does not agree with expected delivery
- goods arrive damaged
- normal storage location is not available
- shortfall in quantities delivered
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Glass and Ceramic Maker Decorator Finisher
SOC Code
Glass Processing; decorator; unit maker; operator; packing; blower; cutter; painter; processor; cold end; craft; laminated; screen; warehousing