Contribute to the work of the glazing team
This standard covers the need to go beyond the immediate requirements of the job, and to view work as more than just utilising technical skills. The glazier needs to respond to requests from glazing team members and provide information to assist the team. Good working relationships need to be developed and maintained, especially with colleagues, but also importantly with customers. Resources, equipment and materials all have to be used efficiently and wastage minimised. Glaziers should also not do things for which they are not trained, but should suggest improvements to work activities where possible.
This standard is for you if you work as part of a team to carry out glazing activities on site
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1 comply with health and safety requirements, and relevant statutory and industry regulations, at all times
2 carry out requests and provide information within appropriate timescales to allow effective working practice
3 provide information ensure it is accurate and contains sufficient detail to meet requirements
4 treat people and their property in a way that maintains good working relationships
5 check and confirm work activities are undertaken within one's own competence and seek assistance/advice where appropriate
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1 relevant health and safety requirements, and statutory and industry regulations, that have to be complied with
2 how to provide information to colleagues, and why it is important that it is correct
3 how to develop good working relationships with colleagues and customers and the benefits this can bring
4 potential consequences of working beyone one's own level of competence
5 who should be informed of problems in working relationships
6 types of problems that could occur when working in a glazing team, and the professional way to deal with them