Promote and maintain health and safety in the installation working environment
This standard covers the broad requirements of health and safety within the installation working environment, as well as promoting health and safety in the work of others. It covers the need to follow health and safety guidelines and ensuring that the work area is free from hazards. In the event of emergencies, installers are expected to ensure that medical assistance is summoned and that the emergency services are called where necessary. It is also important that colleagues and visitors to the working environment also follow health and safety regulations
This standard is for you if you are involved with installation work on site but goes beyond just your own health and safety, this also includes involvement in ensuring others on site are also working safely
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1 follow the regulations and guidelines for health and safety protection at all times
2 assess any risks to the health and safety of self and others following safe working practices and take action following standard operating procedures
3 identify any health and safety hazards and take action to prevent harm to individuals and give priority to the prevention of injury to people over damage to property
4 adopt safe working practices, and use and maintain safety equipment and personal protective equipment following safe working practices
5 follow manufacturers' and other relevant instructions and training relating to the safe use of installation equipment and materials
6 inform visitors to the work area of health and safety procedures, and help minimise unauthorised access to hazardous areas
7 monitor colleagues to confirm they comply with health and safety requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1 relevant health and safety regulations and guidelines
2 how to obtain current information on health and safety regulations and guidelines
3 duties of employers and employees in relation to health and safety
4 how, when and why to undertake risk assessments
5 who should be informed of health and safety hazards and when and how to do so
6 how to identify safe and unsafe working practices
7 types of safety equipment and personal protective equipment that should be used in different situations
8 who is authorised to enter dangerous areas
9 types of accidents and emergencies that could occur and how to minimise the risks
10 organisational procedures for responding to accidents and emergencies
11 how to summon medical assistance and alert the emergency services, and information to be provided
12 evacuation procedures for workers and visitors, and where people should gather
13 incident reporting procedures