Select fire resistant glazing sealants
This standard covers the selection and application of glazing sealant for use within a fire-resistant glazed system. You will need to appreciate that glazing sealants are an essential part of the overall glazed system and the correct selection and application is critical in ensuring that the performance capability of the full assembly is achieved.
This standard is for you if you work in the Fenestration Industry and are involved in the selection of Fire Resistant Glazing sealants for on site installation work
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- comply with health and safety requirements and procedures at all times
- contact suppliers using appropriate communication methods when you need additional information about sealants
- obtain current versions of manufacturers' documentation about fire resistant glazing sealants from appropriate sources
- use visual references to identify fire-resistant glazing sealants following manufacturers' documentation
confirm selected glazing sealants fit performance specifications and are compatible with glazed systems being installed
apply sealants following manufacturers and suppliers' instructions and information provided
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: