Plan operational network activities

Business Sectors (Suites): Water Supply Distribution
Developed by: Energy & Utility Skills
Approved on: 2018


This Standard is about planning how operational activities will be carried out on the distribution network whilst maintaining water quality and continuity of supply. This includes organising how to deal with unplanned activities that occur throughout the day. You will need to select appropriate techniques which could include re-zoning, mains cleansing, making connections, repairs, replacements, installation or maintenance, and prioritise and plan work schedules which take account of resources and legal requirements.

This Standard is appropriate for anyone in water supply distribution who carries out operational planning for network activities.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. use information from reliable sources to determine the type and nature of network activities to be carried out 2. identify the implications and constraints of current regulations for water quality and continuity of supply on network activities 3. assess techniques for their viability, cost effectiveness and appropriateness for addressing network activities 4. identify techniques which will best promote maintenance of water quality and continuity of supply 5. exchange information with appropriate individuals and organisations according to organisational and regulatory requirements 6. determine a priority order for specified operational activities which takes account of identified influencing factors and maximises performance 7. develop a schedule of network activities that takes account of relevant work details 8. produce plans with a level of flexibility which allow for the inclusion of specific unplanned operational activities as they occur 9. develop risk reduction plans which identify and minimize potential disruptions in line with organisational procedures 10. check and alter network status to take account of planned operational activities 11. reassess priority order in response to changing events on an ongoing basis 12. confirm with appropriate people that relevant individuals and organisations have been informed about network activities in line with organisational and regulatory requirements 13. follow escalation procedures for any issues outside of your area of authority

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. organisational requirements for different types of network activities 2. regulatory requirements for water quality and continuity of supply 3. what is meant by continuity of supply and issues related to adequacy 4. the advantages and disadvantages of the types of technique which can be used for network activities including re-zoning, mains cleansing, making connections, repairs, replacements, installation and maintenance. 5. the implications, effect and response levels of different techniques 6. the application of different techniques and associated cost benefits 7. appropriateness, viability and cost effectiveness of techniques for different activities with regard to promoting maintenance of water quality, continuity of supply, convenience for customers and maximising performance 8. factors to be aware of including customer considerations, the effect of weather and seasonal conditions 9. work details, including extent, location, time, duration, anticipated completion time and availability of resources 10. the coverage and detail of work schedules 11. organisational and regulatory requirements for communicating with individuals and personnel and detail of the communications 12. what you need to consider in order to be able to prioritise effectively 13. how to identify and assess risk and minimise disruption 14. what is considered to be an acceptable level of flexibility 15. how to make changes to network status and what this should cover, who is responsible and line of informing/reporting 16. organisational and regulatory requirements for communicating with customers, other utilities, contractors, highway authorities, network operatives, colleagues and emergency services 17. the limits of your own experience and responsibility and when it is appropriate to refer to others 18. escalation routes relating to your area of responsibility


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Energy & Utility Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering, Water Network Technician, Water Network Controller

SOC Code



Work planning, scheduling, operational activities, organising work