Be aware of and control workplace hazards
This standard is about making sure that you maintain a safe working environment and recognise potential hazards and risks and take preventative action before they can cause harm and injury to self, others or the environment. It is also about making sure that you follow the systems and procedures that are put in place for the safety and
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Identify, evaluate and minimise hazards to your health and safety
select, use and comply with the personal protective equipment (PPE)
requirements detailed in the risk assessment for the task to be
visually check PPE for defects making sure that it is fit-for-purpose
and safe to use
carry out pre-inspection of the work area, and access and egress to
it, to establish and evaluate potential hazards to personal safety before
commencement of work activities
when using plant and equipment and conducting manual handling
operations make sure that steps, slopes and the general work area
meet the necessary standards and conditions required to complete the
task safely
visually check tools, equipment, plant, machinery for defects that
present a risk to health & safety to self, others and the environment
carry out tasks in accordance with the organisations work practices
and procedures
evaluate the risks and consider the likely outcomes of your actions
before you start work
Communicate data and information
report concerns and defects with PPE, tools, equipment, plant and
machinery to line manager before use
report health and safety concerns and potential risks before carrying
out duties and commencing work
Resolve problems that can cause personal harm and injury to self and
resolve problems and risks within the limits of own job role
report problems and risks outside limits of your own responsibility
to resolve to designated persons
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the potential hazards associated with the workplace
how to identify work-related hazards and risks
details of operational procedures and documentation
how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with
operational procedures
operational procedures and why it is important to comply with them
Identify, evaluate and minimise hazards to your health and safety
what is meant by “health, safety and the environment‟ in the
workplace and why it is important to you
the meaning of the term “hazard‟
the meaning of the term “harm‟
the meaning of the term “risk‟
the meaning of the term “risk assessment‟
the meaning of the term “dynamic risk assessment‟
the harm that a range of health, safety and environmental hazards
can cause
the meanings of different types of safety signs and the hazards they
how the conditions in a workplace can cause hazard
the types of personal protective equipment available and the
hazards against which they provide protection
what is meant by “safe system of work or method statement”
the importance of personal hygiene
why first aid provision is needed
the health and safety responsibilities of a manager/employer
your personal responsibilities for health and safety as an
why it is important to report accidents, ill health and other incidents,
near misses/near hits