Collect recyclable materials
This standard is for those who collect recyclable materials. You will need to use equipment and procedures suited to the nature of the material. This includes identifying materials which are suitable for recycling, collecting them using the correct equipment and
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
carry out collection in accordance with approved procedures and
identify materials suitable for recycling and those that cannot be
recycled in accordance with approved procedures and practices
use appropriate methods to explain the difference between
recyclable and non-recyclable materials to members of the public
prepare, check, maintain and use equipment for collecting
recyclable materials
ensure your own actions minimise the risk of harm to self and
select and use appropriate personal protective equipment in
accordance with approved procedures and practices
leave the collection site clean and safe and take the appropriate
action to report any damage1.
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
You need to know and 1. the different methods of collecting recyclable materials
your own role and responsibilities during collection work
the differences between recyclable and non-recyclable materials
the different roles of those involved in the recycling industry
the reasons why you can or cannot collect certain materials
the equipment needed to collect materials for recycling and how
to prepare, check maintain and use it
your own responsibilities under health and safety and other
the implications for your work in relation to relevant health and
safety, environmental legislation
Approved procedures and practices
Health, safety and environmental related to the individual and others,
organisational, regulatory, statutory, relevant company policies, risk
Other persons
Colleagues, persons external to the organisation
Appropriate action
Corrective action within the scope of responsibility, report to another