Monitor safety for site staff, the public and vehicles

Business Sectors (Suites): Water Network Construction Operations,Multi-Utility Network Construction Operations
Developed by: Energy & Utility Skills
Approved on: 01 Dec 2018


This Standard is about monitoring site safety for site staff, site vehicles and members of the public – either as pedestrians or in vehicles.  Sites could be on the public highway or on private property. Network activity could be routine or non routine and could include mobile works.
This includes checking provision of signing, lighting and guarding developed from site surveys, monitoring site conditions, monitoring the positioning, installation and dismantling of signing, lighting and guarding equipment, making sure equipment is working and its positioning meets requirements and adjusting equipment to deal with prevailing traffic conditions.
This Standard is for anyone who monitors safety for site staff, the public and vehicles for utility network operations.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. check that site surveys plan provision of footways, traffic lanes and safety zones in line with requirements of site location and approved safety procedures and practices
  2. check that planned and actual provision of footways, traffic lanes and safety zones minimise disruption, delay and inconvenience to traffic and pedestrians, including those with special needs
  3. check that planned and actual provision for vehicles and plant provide coverage and safety for people and vehicles in line with legal requirements
  4. make sure that safe working practices are identified and followed in accordance with current approved procedures and practices
  5. carry out on-site risk assessments to ensure that safe systems of working are in place in respect of signing, lighting and guarding and that provision is made to control any hazards identified
  6. check that site conditions are monitored in accordance with approved procedures and practices
  7. ensure that checks have been carried out to ensure that appropriate equipment, materials and products are available, meet the requirements of the location and any special needs
  8. monitor the inspection of equipment, materials and products prior to use in accordance with approved procedures and practices
  9. ensure that the appropriate personal protective equipment is selected, checked for suitability and used by site staff in line with legal requirements
  10. make sure equipment, materials and products are positioned and removed in the sequence specified in line with the requirements of site location
  11. make sure signals are inspected and tested for their procedures and the functioning of their equipment, materials and products at appropriate times
  12. make sure signal controls are adjusted to support prevailing traffic conditions
  13. identify problems with planned or actual provision and take appropriate remedial action in line with organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. code of practice requirements for surveying work sites
  2. health,  safety and environmental regulations and organisational procedures, practices and requirements for work site surveys and different site conditions including those relating to risk assessment
  3. types of hazards and risks that may be encountered and how to deal with them
  4. health, safety and environmental protection equipment
  5. safe ways of using the hazardous and non hazardous materials involved
  6. organisation and client policies relating to approved equipment, materials and procedures
  7. the contents of emergency, operational and contingency plans
  8. issues to consider when positioning footways, traffic lanes and safety zones including:• proximity to schools and hospitals• users of the route (including those with special needs)• weather conditions (including icy roads, heavy rain, snow, fog)• volume and speed of traffic and evidence of congestion• lighting on highways• highway situations (including lane widths, private access, bus stops, parking places, roundabouts, junctions, railway level crossings, tramways, cycle lanes)• emergency service access
  9. different requirements for working during the day and at night
  10. the constituent elements and requirements for safety zones
  11. the factors governing the provision of footways, traffic lanes and safety zones and the circumstances under which it is necessary to liaise with highway authorities
  12. how to minimise disruption to traffic and pedestrians
  13. methods of making adequate safety provision for pedestrians, vehicles and plant within the confines of the working area including traffic management measures
  14. requirements of those with special needs and how to provide for them
  15. safe working practices for signing, lighting and guarding activities
  16. the purpose of an on-site risk assessment
  17. the appropriate safety and personal protective equipment to use during site operations, and how to make sure it is fit for purpose
  18. the safety equipment to use to meet requirements, any special needs and how to ensure it is fit for purpose
  19. the specified sequence for the positioning, dismantling and removal of equipment
  20. how to adjust signal controls
  21. procedures for inspecting and testing signals for correct operation
  22. problems which occur with protecting pedestrians, traffic and site staff, and the appropriate remedial action to take


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date

01 Dec 2021





Originating Organisation

Energy and Utility Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering, Water Network Construction Operative, Water Network Construction Supervisor

SOC Code



Site conditions, risks, hazards, risk assessment, traffic