Control in-line water mains connections in agreement with water companies
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
obtain information about mains connection work from reliable sources
complete applications to the water company in sufficient time to get authorisation for mains connection work
plan mains connections according to the authorisation from the water company
notify the water company about connection details before work commences
test and carry out live connection in accordance with national and water company procedures
carry out live connection in compliance with relevant quality and hygiene standards
ensure work practice conforms to safe working procedures at all times
seek advice regarding any work that cannot be done to specified standards from appropriate people
inform the water company when connections are complete using approved procedures
complete connection documentation with accurate information and store it in the specified place
provide completed work documentation to appropriate people when required
provide ‘as-laid’ drawings to the water company in line with approved procedures
report work which is incomplete and not to schedule to the water company using approved reporting procedures
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: