Manage disposal of inert waste to land

Business Sectors (Suites): Waste Resource Operations Management
Developed by: Energy & Utility Skills
Approved on: 2019


This Standard is about managing disposal of inert waste onto or into land.  It includes managing operations and controlling work all activities relating to the disposal of inert waste to land.  This includes preventing the escape of inert wastes, outputs and residues, ensuring that inert waste disposed of to land is secure and dealing with inert waste which is out of specification,  difficult to handle, likely to contain disguised materials or unacceptable components, unauthorized or likely to present unexpected health problems.  All procedures must be implemented in compliance with legislative requirements.

This Standard is for managers or supervisors of inert landfills.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. implement systems and procedures for inert waste disposal operations in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements
  2. arrange for an adequate supply of required materials, equipment and information to dispose of inert waste
  3. minimise risks to health, safety and the environment from inert waste disposal operations in line with legislation
  4. comply with legal and organisational requirements for reporting risks to health, safety and the environment
  5. implement and maintain recording and information systems relating to the inspection of inert waste in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements
  6. monitor processes to prevent the escape of inert waste, outputs and residues from site on an ongoing basis
  7. monitor processes to prevent and deal with bird, insect, vermin, litter, odour, noise and dust nuisances at the site on an ongoing basis
  8. make sure that all procedures for inert waste disposal to land are adhered to at all times
  9. establish and oversee programmes of work which meet legislative and organisational requirements for inert waste disposal operations
  10. monitor and maintain systems to ensure that there are sufficient people, with the correct level of expertise available to carry out required operations
  11. implement procedures to monitor staff training to ensure compliance with legal and organisational requirements
  12. maintain safe systems of work in line with health and safety legislation
  13. ensure that resources required for the safe completion of work activities are provided and maintained
  14. identify and put in place precautions which eliminate or mitigate risks from potential hazards to personnel and the environment
  15. ensure that inert waste disposed of to land is left secure at the end of each working day in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements
  16. rectify any issues that prevent the disposal of inert waste to land in line with organisational procedures
  17. seek advice from appropriate experts to resolve situations which are outside your responsibility
  18. arrange for the appropriate temporary storage or diversion of inert waste when weather conditions or emergencies prevent it from being disposed of to land or transferred off-site

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the legislative requirements, regulations, codes of practice and guidance applicable to the disposal of inert waste to land at the site
  2. the records required by legislation in relation to the disposal of inert waste to land
  3. the procedures and documentation required for inert waste disposal
  4. planning permission, permit requirements and environmental management system (EMS) for the site
  5. organisational procedures for disposal activities
  6. procedures for managing work activities on an inert waste to land site
  7. operating procedures for all machinery, plant and equipment used on the site for the disposal of inert waste to land
  8. the manual and mechanical handling techniques that are required for the inert waste being disposed of to land at the site
  9. how to communicate work instructions to personnel orally and in writing
  10. the importance of ensuring people's understanding of work instructions and procedures and how to achieve this
  11. how to ensure that relevant staff have the required skills and what to do in response to a perceived skills deficit
  12. the organisation's environmental policy and procedures applicable to the site
  13. hazards associated with the disposal of inert waste to land in relation to health and safety and the environment
  14. control measures to reduce or eliminate risks to safety, health and the environment on inert waste to landfill sites
  15. the types of personal protective equipment (PPE) required and how they must be used, maintained and stored
  16. the legal and organisational requirements for recording and reporting risks to health, safety and the environment
  17. incoming waste verification procedures at the disposal point
  18. daily onsite procedures for securing inert waste disposed of to land
  19. procedures for dealing with spillages and preventing the escape of inert waste and products of inert waste disposal to land
  20. organisational procedures for disposal operations and the supply and use of the resources required
  21. procedures and documentation required for disposing of inert waste to land and the monitoring requirements for the site
  22. procedures for dealing with inert waste, out of specification materials and any other rejects from the process related to inert wastes including those which are difficult to handle, likely to contain disguised materials & unacceptable components, unauthorized, likely to present unexpected health problems
  23. storage and handling implications for the inert waste types handled on site
  24. the types, functions and limitations of inert waste handling equipment available for use on site
  25. the options and methods used for dealing with bird, vermin, insect, litter, odour, noise, and dust nuisances
  26. how to interpret process documentation and verify that the information is accurate and related to the inert waste disposal process
  27. issues that could prevent disposal of inert wastes to land including staff shortages, equipment deficiencies, spillages, external causes


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Energy & Utility Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Public Service and other Associate Professionals, Public Services, Waste Manager

SOC Code



manage, site, operations, disposal, waste, landfill, utility, utilities, waste, handling, equipment