Set out, operate and remove signing, lighting and guarding for highway/roadway works LEGACY

Business Sectors (Suites): Multi-Utility Network Construction Operations
Developed by: Energy & Utility Skills
Approved on: 2023


​This Standard is about setting out, operating and removing signing, lighting and guarding equipment for highway/roadway works.

It includes setting out, erecting and dismantling protection equipment, positioning, maintaining, adjusting and dismantling traffic control equipment and controlling traffic equipment.

This Standard could apply to anyone who sets ups and operates signing, lighting and guarding for highway/roadway works.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​1. use relevant work instructions and specifications to identify signing, lighting and guarding required to meet safety and security requirements
2. set out and erect protection equipment in accordance with relevant codes of practice 
3. check the position and condition of protection equipment meets work requirements and is in accordance with relevant codes of practice 
4. position, maintain and control traffic control equipment in accordance with work requirements, relevant codes of practice 
5. adjust traffic control equipment in line with the progress and changes of the work activity 
6. report defective and damaged equipment to appropriate people 
7. identify any issues caused by the work environment with signing, lighting and guarding practice in accordance with relevant codes of practice 
8. remove protection equipment and traffic control equipment in accordance with relevant codes of practice 
9. refer problems and conditions outside your responsibility in accordance with approved procedures and practices 
10. carry out work in line with organisational procedures, codes of practice and statutory requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

​1. appropriate signing, lighting and guarding for width of road, speed of road, traffic count, street furniture and duration of work
2. the appropriateness of signing, lighting and guarding methods to meet code of practice requirements 
3. the purpose of equipment used for protecting highway/roadway works, including signs, lights, guards and portable traffic signals 
4. the different types of traffic control equipment including warning signs, priority signals, stop and go boards, portable traffic lights 
5. the types of guards and traffic control equipment used to protect highway/roadway works and their positioning requirements relative to the work 
6. how to position and operate traffic controls including warning signs, priority signals, stop and go boards, portable traffic lights 
7. how to follow instructions to ensure the correct sequences for erection and dismantling of traffic control arrangements 
8. the importance of cleaning signs and lights in the immediate work area during the course of highway/roadway works 
9. the importance of checking and reporting defects in signs, guards, lighting, and traffic control systems to the team leader 
10. environmental issues with work taking place including public safety, school traffic, changing conditions such as work extending into darkness and consideration of impact on excessive traffic and pollution. 
11. the importance of complying with safety and procedural instructions 
12. the range and purpose of personal protective equipment used during highway/roadway works 
13. the importance of checking and reporting defects in personal protective equipment to the team leader 
14. legislation, codes of practice, organisational procedures and practices for health, safety and the environment that is relevant to your work in signing, lighting and guarding 
15. the actions to take in the event of an accident or emergency on the highway/roadway 
16. organisational procedures for summoning the emergency services 
17. organisational accident recording and reporting procedures


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Network, Construction, operations, utility, utilities, gas, LPG, hydrogen, water, highway, roadway, safety, signing, lighting, guarding, erecting, dismantling, protection equipment, traffic control equipment

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Water Network Construction, Gas Network Construction

SOC Code



Network, Construction, operations, utility, utilities, gas, LPG, hydrogen, water, highway, roadway, safety, signing, lighting, guarding, erecting, dismantling, protection equipment, traffic control equipment