Perform street cleansing manually

Business Sectors (Suites): Frontline Environmental Services
Developed by: Energy & Utility Skills
Approved on: 2017


This standard is for those who carry out street cleansing by hand using a brush and a barrow or cart. It covers removing litter and detritus from public areas including grounds, streets, pavements, pedestrianised areas and car parks. It involves identifying and following the correct procedures to clear any

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Remove litter and detritus from grounds

  1. ensure you have the correct instructions and are aware of procedures for

    carrying out the work

  2. confirm the area to be cleaned

  3. choose the equipment and cleaning methods that are suitable for the litter,

    detritus and debris and the surface

  4. assess the risks associated with the task to be undertaken, taking into

    account the potential dangers of sharps, dog faeces, working on or near the


  5. carry out all work in line with the risk assessment and control measures

  6. select and use suitable personal protection equipment (PPE)

  7. use suitable methods for removing the litter from the ground surface

  8. when not in use secure any mobile equipment to prevent risk of injury to


  9. where necessary segregate litter and put it in the appropriate containers

  10. clear as much detritus and debris as you can within the working conditions

  11. transfer litter containers to the right collection points

    Maintain waste collection points

  12. confirm the number and location of the containers that you must empty

  13. follow procedures if you find containers that have types of litter, detritus

    and debris in them that required specialist treatment or handling

  14. select and safely use equipment and cleaning methods suitable for the

    removal of litter, detritus and debris and your working conditions in line with

    manufacturers, legislative and company requirements

  15. completely empty the containers and replace them as necessary

  16. make sure the area around the container is clean and tidy

  17. take the collected detritus and debris to the correct collection point

  18. promptly report to your supervisor any problems that may occur

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

You need to know and Remove litter and detritus from grounds

  1. the instructions and relevant organisational procedures for carrying out the


  2. legislative, health and safety and company requirements relating to street


  3. factors to take into account when identifying litter and procedures for

    reporting items when you think they might present a risk to health and safety

  4. the equipment available to you to remove litter and the most appropriate for

    the type of litter

  5. how to assess the risks and factors to take into account when removing

    litter and detritus

  6. the correct personal protective equipment to be used for the task and how

    to use it

  7. why you should secure mobile equipment and what could happen if you fail

    to do so

  8. why litter needs to be segregated and the correct containers in which to put


  9. the correct place for litter containers and how to transfer them safely

  10. the importance of maintaining a high standard of work

  11. the standard of work to be provided

    Maintain waste collection points

  12. where to find information on the number and location of waste containers

    to be emptied

  13. what constitutes unacceptable types of debris and detritus and the action

    to take to deal with it

  14. the equipment and cleaning materials suitable for removing debris and

    detritus and how to operate safely, according to requirements

  15. procedures for emptying containers and how to identify when they need


  16. procedures for reporting problems and to whom they should be reported


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Energy & utility skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Local Authority Workers, Public Services

SOC Code



Perform; Street cleansing; Manually; Litter; Detritus; Collection points; Segregation