Inspect vehicles used in waste management facilities
This Standard defines the competence required to carry out inspections on vehicles, including plant and tracked vehicles, used in the waste management industry. It involves assessing job related damage and wear and tear and whether it falls within acceptable limits. It requires an ability to maintain records and report the results of inspections as required by the organisation and, in particular, damage which could affect safety or effective operation. The inspections cover vehicles and associated ancillary equipment and tools. This Standard is for those whose responsibility it is to inspect vehicles and associated equipment on waste management facilities
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Carry out inspections on vehicles, and associated equipment
select and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
prior to commencing an inspection in accordance with the
organisational procedures
ensure that risk assessment controls covering the vehicle
inspection are met
carry out the vehicle inspection in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations and the organisations
inspection schedule
check the vehicle in accordance with organisational requirements
inspect the wheels for security and damage
check for damage, missing items or insecure body work or fittings
that might affect the safe operation of the vehicle
check the fuel and windscreen wash levels and fill up the tanks if
levels are too low for the days activities
check the levels of lubricants, cooling system fluid, and other fluid
check that health, safety and amenity equipment fitted to, or in,
the vehicle is in place and fit for service
Use and communicate data and information connected with
daily inspections
complete daily inspection reports in accordance with
organisational requirements
record any corrective actions taken and report them to the
designated person
record and report any defects or damage found on vehicles
and associated equipment in accordance with organisational
issue clear warnings to drivers where vehicles and associated
equipment do not conform to safe operational requirements
attach warning signs to vehicles that must not be moved as a
result of identifying serious defects or where minor defects
infringe transport legislation
Resolve problems which arise from inspecting vehicles, plant
and associated equipment
arrange with supervisor for defects to be rectified before vehicles
are released for service
advise your designated supervisor immediately when safety
warnings or vehicle isolation measures are ignored by drivers or
inflate tyres to the correct operating pressure
top up low fluid levels with the appropriate approved fluids and
report to supervisor any defect with which you are unfamiliar
re-supply any missing health, safety and welfare consumables in
accordance with organisational requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the different types of waste
the potential hazards of waste
how to identify work-related hazards and difficulties
details of work schedules and working procedures
how to work with colleagues and other people and resolve
how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with
operational procedures
organisational policies and why it is important to comply with them
what information you are allowed to disclose to other people
Inspection of vehicles
the items that need to be checked for a specific vehicle and
associated equipment
the items which are essential for safety
how to identify damage that would interfere with the safe and
effective operation of the vehicle and associated equipment
how to identify any items missing in the vehicles associated
the operation of the vehicle
the procedures for responding to unsafe situations and vehicles
and associated equipment not capable of operating effectively
the purpose of the inspection check list and how to use it to carry
out and record daily checks
the procedures for reporting inspections, damage, defects,
shortages and actions taken
responsibility within the job role with regard to statutory
the permitted maintenance or replacements which can be made
within the job role