Perform manual handling and lifting of loads
This Standard is about handling and moving loads safely. You are expected to use approved lifting and handling techniques and follow company and manufacturers' guidelines and instructions when operating manual handling equipment. This Standard is for those people who have to handle and move loads in their work.
The term manual handling and lifting of loads can be determined in this standard as "the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling and carrying loads by bodily force"
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
identify the load to be handled and plan the move accordingly
ensure risk assessments are available and apply identified control measures
take suitable safety measures before moving to protect yourself and other people
check that any equipment you need to use is fit for use
use manual handling equipment in line with company guidelines and manufacturers’ instructions
use approved manual handling techniques
plan a safe and efficient route for moving loads
agree responsibilities with colleagues where work needs to be shared
plan and demonstrate a multi-person lift
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
what you can lift safely and how to identify when you need help and/or manual handling equipment
the risk factors involved in lifting and how to control these including size, shape, weight of load, how often it is being lifted, distance carried, space constraints and posture
when a more detailed risk assessment is required for the task
how to assess the weight and centre of gravity of the loads you are going to lift
company guidelines for safe lifting including type of load and the environment
why you should plan your route when moving loads
how to plan your route when moving loads, including the types of obstacles to look for and how to remove or avoid them and distance of the lift
approved techniques for manual handling including use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and multi person lifts
company guidelines and manufacturers’ instructions for using manual handling equipment
what manual handling is and how using unsafe techniques for lifting and handling can affect you, the people lifting with you, and others close by
what is meant by muscular skeletal disorders, the causes, how to avoid them and the importance of early reporting of any symptoms
the range of tools available from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to help identify risks in manual handling