Maintain a healthy and safe working environment for waste management activities
This Standard defines the competence required to comply with general health and safety in the working environment within the waste management industry. It includes identifying, responding to and reporting hazards and unsafe working practices and using safe methods of work. This Standard is for anyone who works on waste sites.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
use approved safe working and hygiene methods and techniques
when carrying out work activities
- check work areas are kept clean and tidy and contribute to
maintaining them in a suitable condition
- carry out all work in accordance with safe working procedures and
practices and organisational requirements
keep to specified walkways in the work place
give warnings to people who might be at risk from hazardous
- comply with the organisations requirements for all working
- select and use the designated personal protective equipment
(PPE) in accordance with operational procedures and legislation
report on health and safety issues
report conditions that are hazardous to people
resolve health and safety issues within your remit and
- report problems within own area of responsibility in accordance
with operational procedures
- refer to the designated person health and safety issues including
near misses and procedures that dont work, cant be followed
and fall outside the responsibility of the job role
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the classifications and types of hazardous waste
the potential hazards associated with different wastes and the
risks that can be found on most waste sites
how to identify work-related hazards and risks
details of operational procedures and documentation
operational procedures and why it is important to comply with
the limits of the job responsibility when communicating with others
how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) in line with
operational procedures
Health and safety
the differences between a hazard and a risk
the organisational requirements for personal hygiene
the importance of good housekeeping
the importance of identifying health and safety hazards and how
to minimise them
the hierarchy of control measures
the importance of warning others about risks and ways to do it
the different types of plant equipment and potential risks and
controls that are in place to reduce the risk to as low as possible
hazard warning signs and their purposes
the legal requirements for risk assessments and health and safety
obligations and requirements in the work place
the organisational requirements for reporting risks, hazards, near
misses and dangerous incidents