Work in medium risk confined spaces
This standard is about preparing to enter and working safely in medium risk confined spaces. A confined space is any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well or other similar space in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable specified risk. Risks could lead to serious injury or death through fire, explosion, gas, fumes, vapour, lack of oxygen, rising levels of liquid, asphyxiation or entrapment by free flowing solids.
Medium risk confined spaces:
- may have deeper entry where entrants may not be in sight of safety attendant or top person
- will have standard entries which could involve climbing or the use of access equipment
- will have identified but controlled specified risks present during entry or while working
- may involve working away from point of entry
- may involve more than one person entering the confined space.
Work in any confined space requires working in line with an agreed system of work that is based on a risk assessment. In addition, medium risk confined spaces:
- may require limited use of a rescue line
- may require fall protection equipment and means of assisted rescue such as a rescue winch
- will require the carrying of suitable escape sets for self rescue in the event of an emergency
- will require the presence of one or more people, positioned outside the confined space, who have designated responsibilities for controlling the entry and dealing with emergencies.
This standard includes preparing to enter and work safely in medium risk confined spaces, entering and exiting confined spaces safely, using equipment and tools in accordance with manufacturers' specifications, following procedures and working safely, using escape and emergency equipment and dealing with emergencies.
This standard is for anyone from any sector who needs to work in a medium risk confined space.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand: