Conduct and Commission Specified Connections to Gas Network Assets

Business Sectors (Suites): Gas Network Construction
Developed by: Energy & Utility Skills
Approved on: 2017


This national occupational standard defines the competence required to connect new engineering components and assets to the existing gas network It requires a high level of knowledge of the various types of connection techniques available, and the particular circumstances in which they can be used.

This standard is for those responsible for operations during gas network construction activities. These activities will usually include the leadership and direction of the members of a team and decision making regarding the approach to take when undertaking the work.

This standard consists of five elements:

  1. interpret technical information for connecting engineering assets to the system
  2. select components and resources for the connection
  3. connect engineering products or assets to the system
  4. commission new engineering products or assets to the system
  5. use and communicate data and information

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Interpret technical information for connecting engineering assets to the system

1.    use drawings, records, work documents, manuals, technical specifications and authorisations to provide work details for connection

2.    interpret dimensions, lengths, widths, and quantities from the technical information

3.    note the positions of other utilities plant, sub-structures, buildings, kerbs and boundaries insofar as they affect the connection

Select components and resources for the connection

4.    select the type of the components in compliance with the work and specifications

5.    follow approved procedures to replace defective components, non-match components and sub-standard components

6.    check and make sure sufficient labour, plant, equipment, materials and consumables are available for the job in hand

7.    respond promptly and effectively to actual and predicted changes to the planned use of resource

Connect engineering products or assets to the system

8.    determine the correct method of connection to be used to meet the design criteria based on known information and site circumstances

9.    carry out a site-specific risk assessment and review as job progresses, in accordance with company policy

10.  apply control measures identified in risk assessments

11.  select, check condition, use and store the appropriate PPE

12.  check and confirm the condition and size of the excavation is sufficient and conforms to instructions and specifications

13.  ensure that the job instruction, operational procedure and authorisations are in place prior to commencement of connection work

14.  take adequate precautions to prevent damage to components, tools and equipment

15.  support and anchor installed engineering assets in accordance with approved codes of practice

16.  connect to the existing system using authorised techniques

17.  carry out all work to approved procedures and practices and in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements

Commission new engineering products or assets

18.  ensure that a written operational procedure has been produced and authorised

19.  carry out the commissioning in accordance with the authorised operational procedure document

Use and communicate data and information

20.  choose and provide information to people requiring technical information in a way that suits the person, type of information and how it will be used

21.  check and confirm understanding of the technical information provided from the recipients

22.  report to a designated person inaccuracies in the technical information sources used

23.  complete work documentation in accordance with organisational procedures

24.  report to the designated person damage or defects to tools, equipment or materials

25.  report work which is incomplete and not to schedule to the designated person

26.  refer problems and conditions outside the responsibility of the job role to the designated person using approved procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:


1.    the main responsibilities of the employer and employee under the Health and Safety at Work Act and how to comply with them

2.    the main responsibilities of the employer and employee under environmental legislation

3.    how to carry out and review risk assessments

4.    the company reporting lines, roles, responsibilities and levels of authority

5.    the identification and application of safe procedures for handling hazardous and non-hazardous materials

6.    organisational accident recording and reporting procedures

7.    the range and use of personal protective equipment for the work activity and procedures for checking PPE is fit for purpose

8.    statutory, organisational and emergency reporting procedures

9.    the potential dangers and hazards from medium or intermediate or high pressure systems

Connecting and commissioning to existing gas network assets

10.  the importance of carrying out and reviewing on-site risk assessments

11.  the organisation's policy and procedures for meeting relevant statutory requirements, regulations, Codes of Practice

12.  the implications for not obtaining appropriate authorisation

13.  factors affecting, and means of confirming, the suitability of excavations

14.  the potential dangers in cavities and trenches

15.  the dangers of taking actions that can create confined spaces risks in excavations

16.  the range of PPE available and the importance of wearing it

17.  the different types of flow stopping equipment that may be used

18.  the implications of using flow stop equipment on different pressure regimes

19.  the importance of using correct plant, tools, materials and system components

20.  reporting procedures for defective plant, tools, materials and system components and assets

21.  faults associated with use of incorrect installation methods and tools

22.  the range of isolation methods available and the rationale for their selection

23.  the procedure for obtaining authorisation to proceed with connections

24.  the importance of obtaining necessary permissions for isolation of any part of network

25.  the range of actions to be taken if work cannot proceed to schedule

26.  how to determine appropriate safe remedial action if, for any reason work, cannot proceed

27.  the organisation's reporting procedures

28.  different methods of accessing information obtainable from reference documents, Regulations, Codes of Practice

29.  the types and causes of disruption likely and avoidance measures

30.  the dangers of inadequate handling and lifting procedure

31.  the types and signs of defect likely to be present on sub-system and means of determining appropriate and safe action

32. the importance of compliance with current industry standards


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Energy & Utility Skills

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Gas Team Leaders, Craftspersons and Technicians

SOC Code



gas, network, gas network, commission, connections, mains