Manage the installation, maintenance, monitoring and removal of temporary works
This standard is about managing the installation, maintenance, monitoring and removal of temporary works, that are consistent with site requirements, and adopting safe, healthy and environmentally responsible work practices in accordance with current organisational requirements which are equal to or exceed current statutory and legislative requirements.
This standard is for people working in the occupational area of construction site management and can be used by operatives, supervisors and managers
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
P1 interpret and confirm the relevance of the following
information in relation to the supervision of installing,
maintaining and removing temporary works:
1.1 drawings
1.2 design brief
1.3 check certificates
1.4 hold points
1.5 permits to work
1.6 risk classification
1.7 implementation plan
1.8 inspection and test plan
1.9 specifications
1.10 schedules
1.11 method statements
1.12 risk assessments
1.13 manufacturers’ information
P2 observe current legislation and official guidance to the work
environment to ensure protection and safety of the
workforce, the general public, visitors, and the environment
by application of information relating to at least six of the
2.1 methods of work
2.2 risk assessment
2.3 safe use and storage of tools
2.4 safe use of access equipment
2.5 traffic management
2.6 emergency plans
2.7 fire safety/ hot works
2.8 lifting plans
2.9 environmental factors
P3 identify, assess and maintain the following resources for
temporary works
3.1 people
3.2 plant, equipment or machinery
3.3 materials and components
3.4 sub-contractors
3.5 information
3.6 work and facilities
3.7 waste management
3.8 utilities (power, water, lighting)
P4 confirm that all materials, equipment and tooling is correct
prior to installation
P5 manage the installation of the temporary works in
accordance with the programme of works to meet the needs
of organisational and other stakeholder procedures
P6 keep accurate records of work progress checks, faults,
problems, corrective actions, quantities involved and
maintain safe working methods and practices
P7 handover the temporary works in accordance with
organisational procedures
P8 manage the removal of the temporary works in accordance
with the programme of works to meet the needs of
organisational and other stakeholder requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Performance Criteria 1
Interpretation of information
K1 how to interpret the given design information relating to the
work and resources to confirm its accuracy, completeness and
relevance to the building type and construction and record
and report issues in relation to the following:
K1.1 drawings
K1.2 design brief
K1.3 check certificates
K1.4 hold points
K1.5 permit to work
K1.6 risk classification
K1.7 implementation plan
K1.8 inspection and test plan
K1.9 specifications
K1.10 schedules
K1.11 method statements
K1.12 risk assessments
K1.13 manufacturers’ information
K2 the characteristics, uses and limitations of temporary works
including but not limited to:
K2.1 pedestrian and vehicular access
K2.2 earthworks: trenches, excavations, temporary slopes
and stockpiles
K2.3 structures: formwork, falsework, propping, façade
retention, needling, shoring, edge protection,
scaffolding, temporary bridges, site hoarding and
signage, site fencing and cofferdams
K2.4 equipment and plant foundations: tower crane bases,
supports, anchors and ties for construction hoists and
mast climbing work platforms, piling platforms and
groundworks to provide suitable locations for plant
and lifting equipment erection
K2.5 dewatering
K2.6 non-permanent vehicle restraint systems
K2.7 traffic management
K3 how to identify the correct sequence of work for installation,
maintenance and removal of temporary works
K4 how to implement the organisational requirements, to report
inappropriate; design briefs, design check certification,
drawings, specifications, schedules, method statements, risk
assessments, electronic data, written and verbal instructions,
permits, manufacturers' information, official guidance
associated with installation, maintenance, monitoring and
removal of temporary works
K5 the organisational requirements to solve problems with the
K6 why it is important to follow the organisational requirements
Performance Criteria 2
Observe legislation and guidelines
K7 how to comply with relevant, current legislation and official
guidance and how it is applied to install and maintain safe,
healthy and environmentally responsible work practices
K7.1 communicate and coordinate with the responsible
K7.2 methods of work
K7.3 safe use of health and safety control equipment
K7.4 safe use of access equipment
K7.5 safe use, storage and handling of materials, tools and
K7.6 specific risks to health
K8 why communication and coordination with the responsible
person as denoted by industry standards is required
K9 the organisational requirements for the security of
temporary works
K10 why it is important to follow the correct sequence of work
when installing and removing temporary works installations **
Performance Criteria 3**
Identify, assess, maintain and record the acquisition of resources
K11 how to identify, assess and record the acquisition of the
following resources:
K11.1 people
K11.2 plant, equipment or machinery
K11.3 materials and components
K11.4 sub-contractors
K11.5 information
K11.6 work and facilities
K11.7 waste management
K11.8 utilities (power, water, lighting)
K12 how to assess the quality of the resources
K13 how to maintain the resources for work activities
K14 how any problems and defects associated with the resources
are reported
K15 hazards associated with the temporary works materials,
supports, components, fittings and fixings, hand tools,
portable power tools and equipment and methods of
K16 project and organisational requirements to obtain a permit to
load from the relevant responsible person as denoted by
industry standards
Performance Criteria 4
Confirm that all materials, equipment and tooling is correct
K17 how to implement organisational procedures, to report
inappropriate; materials, machinery and equipment associated
with the installation, maintenance, monitoring and removal of
temporary works
K18 why reporting inappropriate materials, machinery and
equipment associated with installation, maintenance,
monitoring and removal of temporary works is required
Performance Criteria 5
Maintain and monitor work progress reports
K19 how to keep and maintain accurate records of work progress
by managing checks of the temporary works
K20 why accurate records, to maintain and monitor work progress
are needed
K21 how to communicate and suggest corrective actions and
changes to the programme
Performance Criteria 6
Installation of Temporary Works
K22 how the installation of the works in accordance with the
programme and schedule is to be carried out to meet the
needs of the organisation and other stakeholders
K23 the hazards associated with temporary works materials,
supports, components, fittings, fixings and tooling in relation
to the installation of temporary works
K24 why deadlines should be kept in the installation and removal
of temporary works structures
Performance Criteria 7
Handover the works
K25 why handover of temporary works to the responsible
person, as denoted by organisational procedures, is required
K26 how to identify and confirm the responsible person for
temporary works
K27 how to obtain certificates of sign-off works from the
responsible person
Performance Criteria 8**
Removal of temporary works
K28 how the removal of the works in accordance with the
programme and schedule is to be carried out to meet the
needs of the organisation and other stakeholders
K29 the hazards associated with temporary works materials,
supports, components, fittings, fixings and tooling in relation
to the removal of temporary works
K30 the project and organisational procedures to obtain
permission from the responsible person to remove the
temporary works
K31 how to comply with organisational procedures to manage
the removal of temporary works